The War Against Us
During Obama’s second tenure as President, war with North Korea was an ever looming prospect. One that seemed to overshadow all other international matters. This mattered to the International community at large because war with North Korea meant war with Russia and China and consequently a new world war. Then Trump’s Presidency came along and it all seemed to go quiet. Much can be said about the main stream media’s involvement in inciting and facilitating wars but the ever effervescent anarchy hype machine suddenly quietened down. The all seeing eye of the main stream media shifted its gaze from far off lands to more familiar haunts. Attention was focused inwards. A madman, or so they would have us believe, had occupied the most powerful office in the land. To them, he was more dangerous to America’s sovereignty than nuclear armament of a rogue nation. Hit piece after hit piece, America’s corporate media and political establishment launched a blitzkrieg against a sitting President and in essence the Americans he was sworn in to serve. What most didn’t realise is that this is and was a shell game. A corrupt political establishment pushed the boundaries of what they had done before and got away with it scot free. Many willingly capitulated to the lies as the main stream media serenaded them with one farcical story after the other. First it was the Russia Hoax, a conspiracy based on a muscovite kindergarten fairy tale conjured up by a disgraced ex-British spy. Bought and paid for by the Hillary Clinton Campaign and the DNC. Brought to life in vivid detail by disgraced former Bureau Head James Comey, the Two Lovers and an interchangeable cast of corrupt intelligence community henchmen. Fully marketed and promoted by many in America’s main stream media, the Collusion Truthers. Then there was the Kavanaugh Gang Rape Hoax. A vile lie that was weaponised against then Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh in spite of being based off meritless claims by a motley assortment of accusers. Hoax after hoax was conjured up, lie after lie was fed to the general public. A new war had unofficially started. One that transcended the physical barriers of traditional warfare. This was the War Against Us. A war whose end goal is to win over as many hearts and minds as possible and destroy everyone and everything else in its path. The saddest reality of this war was realising that our leadership went rogue. More and more, it would seem that they have always been in league with those trying to destroy us.

First it was the Russia Hoax, a conspiracy based on a muscovite kindergarten fairy tale conjured up by a disgraced ex-British spy. Bought and paid for by the Hillary Clinton Campaign and the DNC. Brought to life in vivid detail by disgraced former Bureau Head James Comey, the Two Lovers and an interchangeable cast of corrupt intelligence community henchmen. Fully marketed and promoted by many in America’s main stream media, the Collusion Truthers.
Following the plight of the January 6th Capitol Hill riots defendants, one could be forgiven for thinking that they are in fact actual terrorists. The rhetoric and verbiage being used by the political and media class in America in referencing these political prisoners would have you believe that they had captured the leaders of Isis, or, some other iteration of a Middle Eastern terrorist group on Homeland soil. Turn on the water works, lay it on thick with the emotions. Switch on the lights, bring in the cameras and film the action as congress ushers in the world to a highly choreographed and overproduced spectacle of lies. The tears, the sobbing, the hugs, all seemingly for the perfectly placed shot to grace the covers of their preferred publications. Even a cast of ethnically diverse characters that would be the envy of the average CW show runner. Listening to Harry Dunn’s testimony, a Capitol police officer who claims to have been accosted with racial slurs, one would think the worst of the defendants. The events he described, if they did indeed happen are harrowing. The justice department has refused to release the approximately 14,000 hours of video evidence collected on the day of the riot. Evidence that could prove damning or exculpatory to the defendants. There is thus no way of corroborating the details of Officer Dunn’s story. Of course, we have watched this film before and the emotional notes don’t hit quite as well as they did the first time. After four of these dog and pony shows one would think that America’s ruling class would have learned that we are wise to their ways and are privy to the script. The longer this charade goes on the more I suspect that this is the work of a highly paid PR firm. A firm who looked at the ratings success of the first four seasons of totally drama island, filmed on location in Washington’s swamp and realised that this pageantry of disingenuity sells. America’s corporate media won’t question the irregularities of the proceedings or the fact that the civil liberties of the detainees are being violated. The show is a guaranteed hit and the Capitol Hill riots gave the producers a good premise for the latest outing. One doesn’t simply let good material, or should we say crisis, go to waste. We even have the same lead characters reprising their roles: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and congressman Adam Schiff. However, to refresh things a little bit, there is a rising star in their midst: Representative Adam Kinzinger. A freshman who delivered a performance worthy of an Emmy nomination in his debut role. Of course, that isn’t to say much, they give those to just about anyone nowadays. Sometimes even as tokens.
The longer this charade goes on the more I suspect that this is the work of a highly paid PR firm. A firm who looked at the ratings success of the first four seasons of totally drama island, filmed on location in Washington’s swamp and realised that this pageantry of disingenuity sells.
Generally speaking terrorists don’t commit acts of terror unarmed. For there to be an actual armed insurrection there needs to be meticulous fore planning and precise execution. Not a group of glorified tourists taking selfies throughout the capital building while stumbling from one room to the next. At times even asking for directions. Information one would have if they had access to the actual blueprints of the building, not a lego set. Insurrections usually leave a slew of bodies behind and tend to set off a sequence of events that last for days if not weeks and months. Non of which were present at the Capitol Hill riot of January 6th which lasted a few hours. This may seem like hysteria on overdrive but use of this terminology does have an end. Actions against terrorism have to be swift and decisive. Often times, being branded a terrorist is tantamount to being denied one’s civil liberties and rights. Terrorists aren’t treated as second class citizens, they are lined up for execution. The justification used for the treatment of the Capitol Hill rioters is an imaginary insurrection for which no one has been formally charged with sedition. Of all the defendants, a majority are charged with misdemeanour charges. Part of the reason of why there isn’t much outcry is because the events of January 6th while violent and unnecessary are being blown out of proportion for political theatre. Not to be outdone, the American corporate media has pulled all the stops and employed all manner of theatrics to obfuscate facts from actual events. The New York Times, keeping in step with their tradition of fabricating news items, put out a piece that blamed the death of Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick on the Capitol Hill rioters. The article had claims that Officer Sicknick had been bludgeoned to death by Trump supporters using a fire extinguisher. A claim they were forced to retract after significant push back against this made up story. D.C’s Medical Examiner later clarified to The Washington Post in April that Officer Sicknick died of natural causes and not any injuries sustained at the Capitol. He had suffered two strokes caused by a blood clot at the base of his brain stem.The sources for the original story were two anonymous Capitol Police officers. These claims were never backed up by any evidence yet the New York Times chose to publish them as news worthy. This lie was used as one of the leading pieces of evidence by the house impeachment managers during the second sham impeachment. A claim that they didn’t air out, even though it is still in writing, as soon as the New York Times story fell apart.
This may seem like hysteria on overdrive but use of this terminology does have an end. Actions against terrorism have to be swift and decisive. Often times, being branded a terrorist is tantamount to being denied one’s civil liberties and rights. Terrorists aren’t treated as second class citizens, they are lined up for execution.
Yet, this wasn’t enough. The CCP virus pandemic provided a useful pretext for some among American leadership to amass more power under the guise of a public emergency. Unconstitutional edicts were passed which while decimating small American businesses enabled corporations to amass more and more wealth. American Governors passed mandates based on pseudo science and guesswork. Mandates they didn’t follow yet they expected the general public to follow without question. School children were kept out of school in the Interests of public safety while the governors’ children’s education wasn’t disrupted. Michigan and New York Governors Whitmer and Cuomo mandated sick elderly patients infected with the CCP virus be taken into nursing homes against updated CDC guidelines. Nursing homes that were ill equipped to handle an influx of the infected amongst an already vulnerable population. This in essence served as a defacto death sentence to many of the nursing home residents. While it is true that mistakes were made, covering up the incompetence wasn’t a mistake. It was deliberate. All the while hospital beds in New York remained empty at the time. As recompense for his leadership in dealing with the CCP virus pandemic in New York, Governor Andrew Cuomo received an Emmy award. His regular appearances on CNN served only to massage his ego. Oddly missing from his appearances was the mention of the body count behind his incompetence. Recently the DOJ dropped requests to investigate civil rights violations with the mishandling of the CCP Virus crisis in these states and find out if there was any criminal wrongdoing. A devastating blow to the families that prematurely lost loved ones to the pandemic. To add insult to injury, it will be nigh on impossible to hold the Chinese government accountable for this preventable crisis. More and more it seems likely that this virus was bio-engineered in the Wuhan labs in China. Whether it was an accidental lab leak or deliberate act are facts yet to be determined. It has recently come to light that this lab was funded by American tax payer money under the auspices of Dr. Anthony Fauci. In particular, funding was given for Gain of Function research in the lab. Research that was done specifically on coronaviruses to work on their transmissibility to humans. A fact that Anthony Fauci denied under oath while testifying before congress. A criminal offence for which the justice department received a formal referral for investigation from Senator Rand Paul. More and more it seems that American institutions are infested by a plague of bad actors. Bad actors who are never brought to justice and openly flaunt their faces in public as if to remind us that they are part of a protected class.
Hunter Biden, the world’s most high profile crack head, is selling paintings to undisclosed buyers for amounts that range between $75,000-$500,000. This is being facilitated with the assistance of the White House. A ploy many feel is pay for play scheme. Selling access to his father, the legal holder of the office of the President.
The current inhabitant of the White House is openly carrying out a suspected money laundering operation with the active participation of the government. Hunter Biden, the world’s most high profile crack head, is selling paintings to undisclosed buyers for amounts that range between $75,000-$500,000. This is being facilitated with the assistance of the White House. A ploy many feel is pay for play scheme. Selling access to his father, the legal holder of the office of the President. Accusations have dogged Joe Biden for years that he used his office as Vice President to enrich his family by selling access to then President Obama. A fact that was brought to light when he publicly admitted to threatening to withhold American funds worth $1 billion from the Ukrainian government. His preconditions being that they had to fire a public prosecutor who was investigating a Ukrainian energy company, Burisma, for corruption. A company that paid exorbitant amounts of money to Hunter Biden for a consulting job in a field he had no qualifications or experience in. These latest antics are nothing more but an affront to Americans. An insult to their intelligence as many suspect that what was once done in the shadows is now being done in the open. Without shame and without fear of reprisal. The is an air of dissent in America so thick it is almost palpable. Sooner or later the dam wall will break and the outpouring of wrath will be unfathomable. Washington politicians are skating on very thin ice with the American public.
In a report published in October last year by the Major Cities Chiefs Association, it is revealed that during the BLM-Antifa protests and riots between May 25th and July 31st, 2,735 people were arrested for felony offences. Many of these individuals were released due to a lack of willingness amongst prosecutors to proceed to press charges. In spite of there being availability of video evidence and suspect confessions some prosecutors still refused to press charges. Many suspects were released back to the public only to be re-arrested again and again. Those who had to post bail had their bail raised for them by celebrities who openly advocated for civil disobedience. Then Vice Presidential candidate Kamala Harris had some of her staffers post bail for some of the accused. Time and time again over the past year during the many protests, some of which turned violent, violent offenders were allowed to walk with no consequences. In spite of the carnage and anarchy, Washington politicians actively cheered on the violence as necessary. On January 6th, mostly peaceful protestors stormed the Capitol. It was a callous and unnecessary act that led to the death of one Ashli Babbit in the hands of a Capitol Police officer. Nonetheless, the disparate treatment of the protestors and rioters most of whom were peaceful is a far cry to how the summer of 2020 rioters were treated. While BLM and Antifa thugs, looters and anarchists were seen as heroes, the Capitol Hill rioters received no clemency. Many of them in spite of having no priors are being held without bail. During the Kavanaugh Hearings, protestors stormed the Capitol building amongst them a celebrity and a congress woman. These protestors were fined $35 or $50 each in spite of disrupting an official proceeding for days on end, similar to what is alleged of the Capitol Hill protestors and rioters. Recently, the City of New York dropped hundreds of charges against the violent rioters from last year’s riots and protests. All pretence dropped ages ago. It is now abundantly clear amongst the American populace that having the right political view determines what brand of justice you get. It does seem that very few Washington politicians are willing to challenge this. If you are considered to be a Trump supporter or a conservative, prosecutors will throw the book at you and the justice system will drop a building on top of you if they can.

Americans from both sides of the political aisle are being played by fat cats whose political games have trapped many in a rat race. Mice placated by morsels while the ruling class gorges itself on overstuffed platters funded and paid for by the misery of others. We have already been through the looking glass and the peace and prosperity we were promised was an imaginary wonderland.
The American political class is courting disaster by fanning the flames of dissent. It is becoming clear that there is no Republican-Democrat divide. There is only a uni-party that serves its own interests at the cost of liberty. Americans from both sides of the political aisle are being played by fat cats whose political games have trapped many in a rat race. Mice placated by morsels while the ruling class gorges itself on overstuffed platters funded and paid for by the misery of others. We have already been through the looking glass and the peace and prosperity we were promised was an imaginary wonderland. The white house has been turned into a house of horrors that threatens to be the beginning of the end of the American story. Kamala Harris recently re-told a seemingly plagiarised story about “fweedom.” The original story was first told by Martin Luther King Jr. in a playboy magazine interview with Alex Haley in 1965. While this cute tale may have played well to a liberal audience, for most of us, it sounded like another tale from the crypt. Perhaps it is because its retelling under false pretences speaks of a narcissism hitherto unknown. While this may be an uncomfortable chapter in American and world history, I have doubts as to whether it will be the last. There is nothing new under the sun and what is happening, has happened before but under a different guise. We are at war whether we like it or not. Increasingly, we are not just casualties but actual targets. The vast machinery that has now been weaponised against one side of the populace will sooner or later be turned on the other. We can no longer stand on the sidelines each time the “system” claims one more victim. We may have been outmanoeuvred but we are not outgunned or outnumbered. We need to stop being survivors. Those who make it through the war but lose everything in the process. We are not the villains of this story. We are the victors. If we allow our spirits to be crushed then the war would have truly been lost. We are fathers, sons, daughters and mothers. Union workers, bank managers, teachers, students and more. I don’t believe in there being a right side to history. Just the side of truth and that of lies. We cling on to truth not only because it cleanses us but because it is a deadly weapon against those who try to destroy us. By choosing Truth we win because ultimately every house of cards comes tumbling down. Sooner or later. An empire built on a patchwork of lies soon falls under a constant barrage of truth. Truth is light and in light there is no darkness. It is time that we embrace this destiny. To march forward unto dawn, truth in one hand and courage in the other. Courage to bring the truth to light, courage to hack to pieces the vast labyrinth of lies that lays in wait before us.
Image credits in order of appearance: Image par OpenClipart-Vectors de Pixabay; Image par Please Don’t sell My Artwork AS IS de Pixabay