The Star In My Spangled Banner
Recently, someone asked me why I predominantly focus all my writing on America and what would seem to be uniquely American issues. I have had coverage on the political persecution of the January 6th rioters and protesters, coverage on the election audits and even the impact of Donald J. Trump’s presidency on America. I have vehemently denounced the radicals of the Black Lives Matter movement and even gone as far as to label the movement itself racist. These questions are valid. After all, I’m not American and do not live anywhere close to the North American borders. I lived in South Africa for nearly a decade and in light of the recent bout of rioting it would seem appropriate for me to offer some coverage of the issues facing that country. After all, I may be able to offer unique insight into the situation at hand. Sadly however, I cannot. While the recent looting and rioting was worse than usual it wasn’t an event that would bring about South Africa’s downfall as a nation. Most of South Africa is relatively stable and even in light of recent events, it seems to me that more than 90% of the country was and is fine. Some seem to forget that South Africa isn’t a tiny island nation. It’s a vast country that runs from one edge of the African continent to the other. This is not to be ignorant of the fact that there has been a lot of damage done and there will be lingering effects in the communities affected. This being said, South Africa is not a failed state and it will definitely endure for much longer. Relatively speaking, other countries have it much worse and still seem to be doing just fine. Often, people forget that most news is a concentration of a particular problem blown up. Western norms of what democracy and stability are are not necessarily reflective of what others in other parts of the world would consider to be norms. Ignorance of realities on the ground often leads to misinformed and misguided notions about non-western countries amongst many.

This being said, South Africa is not a failed state and it will definitely endure for much longer. Relatively speaking, other countries have it much worse and still seem to be doing just fine. Often, people forget that most news is a concentration of a particular problem blown up. Western norms of what democracy and stability are are not necessarily reflective of what others in other parts of the world would consider to be norms.
If one were to follow a thread through all my essays a particular pattern will begin to emerge. I write predominantly to address issues of identity and to explore the depth of American corruption both in government and in the corporate media. While there is corruption in third world countries and quasi-developed countries such as South Africa, it is of a different breed to American corruption. Corruption in third world countries and non-western nations seems to be of a pure strain. Often, it’s out of greed and incompetence. While lethal, it is a slow acting poison that even though ultimately deadly, many have built up an immunity to after being subjected to it for decades on end. Either by being apathetical or being coopted into being a part of it. It isn’t just in the air they breathe, it is in the food they eat and in the water they drink. Corruption in third wold countries and other non-western nations isn’t tied to the upper echelons of government and those in the halls of power. Corruption is prevalent on such a wide scale that it is sadly an acceptable norm. It isn’t just a culture. It is a way of life. One that runs through society from the fat cats in politics to the lowliest shop keeper trying to peddle their wares to the local populace at grass roots levels. American corruption is of a different breed. Not pure. Mixed in this concoction of evil are potent ingredients such as ideological supremacy, hubris and vindictiveness. American corruption isn’t pervasive amongst the populace and is not an acceptable part of culture. It is institutionalised. A powerful potion which is meted out to the public in dollops at a time. As it slowly poisons the well of American ingenuity and democracy many are waking up to its destructiveness. It would seem that we are at a watershed moment in history where an elixir to counter its effects is being brewed by a conglomerate of those willing to venture outside establishment norms. American corruption is of a special breed because it not only affects America. It affects the world at large. The golden thread that seems to tie American corruption together seems to have come from a yarn spun in Beijing. From a rather grotesque red dragon that aims to consume all in its voracious appetite for more power and control. The chief puppet master in the pantomime of American politics and American corporate interests. A significant number of the issues affecting America and Americans seem to be in one way or the other tied back to communist China and the CCP. Be it some ventures of the Black Lives Matter movement or the politicisation of the CCP Virus pandemic which originated in China and now seems likely to have been funded by American Tax Payer money. China is a clear and present danger. This is the world’s largest geo-political threat and not an enemy to be taken lightly. Chinese imperialism has been on the rise for the last decade. European arrogance and American political hubris enabled China’s unimpeded growth. The false belief of change through incorporation has proven to be a poisoned sword. One in which Americans are being forced to fall on in an unwilling act of dishonourable death. America’s problems aren’t American problems. They are the world’s problems. China’s global dominance has been bolstered by European apathy and acquiescence but was for a time held back by American superiority. This doesn’t seem to be the case anymore. America offers the world the perfect mix of humanity in terms of ideology, beliefs and status. Focusing on how these issues affect and are dealt with in America offers insight and useful actionable data that informs the rest of humanity.

American corruption is of a different breed. Not pure. Mixed in this concoction of evil are potent ingredients such as ideological supremacy, hubris and vindictiveness. American corruption isn’t pervasive amongst the populace and is not an acceptable part of culture. It is institutionalised. A powerful potion which is meted out to the public in dollops at a time.
The Paris Climate Accords, the European Union’s greatest virtue signal, put on display the folly of following ideologues who lack a firm grasp on reality. This meaningless gesture has been used as a badge of honour amongst adherents in spite of being virtually ineffective. As countries try to enforce failed and failing climate policies, China and India, two of the world’s worst polluters get an easier pass because of technical jargon that classifies them as developing nations. When former President Donald J. Trump pulled America out of the Paris Climate accords, America’s political cabal and elites decried the loss of their sacred cow. They screeched in contempt at the loss of the religious symbol it had become to their religion of Wokeness. It was America’s guidance on this matter under then President Donald J. Trump’s administration that brought to light the obvious but often overlooked, perhaps wilfully, short comings of these Accords. Whether other countries will follow the lead remains to be seen. The current American administration has reversed this decision and firmly grafted in America’s fate with that of the European Union. Germany’s unsuccessful venture into clean renewable energy dependance should serve as a stark warning to other countries trying to achieve the same. This was a chimera that may prove to be more trouble than it is worth. It would be remiss if I didn’t point out that the world’s leading supplier of solar panels and other renewable energy technologies is China. A market they cornered through offering lower priced items compared to western competitors. Lower price items that were only possible due to government subsidies and dependance on cheap labour, some of which may be forced. It would seem that all the measures being enacted to ensure a purported greener future by respective western governments serve mainly to benefit China. The ever stricter European Union Car manufacturing regulations(EU7) seem to be designed to cripple the automotive industry in Germany and other parts of Europe rather than serve as useful guard rails. The current British Prime Minister has taken strides to ensure that there will be a ban on new petrol powered cars being sold in the UK after 2030. What seems to go unmentioned is that this will lead to a further dependance on China as they are the current market leader in manufacture of electric cars and electric car technologies. Ground they are unlikely to cede after developing a significant head start. Ground they will not likely lose as they are not hindered by western sensibilities and scruples such as care for the environment and civil liberties. Of course, all one would have to do is to look at California’s disastrous climate policies to realise that this will in all likelihood not end well. In particular, working class individuals may be squeezed out of car ownership due to rising costs to the consumer as government rebates are not sustainable in the long run.
It would seem that all the measures being enacted to ensure a purported greener future by respective western governments serve mainly to benefit China. The ever stricter European Union Car manufacturing regulations(EU7) seem to be designed to cripple the automotive industry in Germany and other parts of Europe rather than serve as useful guard rails.
During the 2010 FIFA World Cup, South Africa’s government allowed the importation of cheap and cheaply made garments from China rather than bolstering the local textiles industry. A key moment that could have been seized to develop the industry further and create new employment opportunities for many of South Africa’s unemployed youth. This was similar to the Vuvuzelas, the plastic horns fans used to blast out a racket in support of their teams during the event. This is hardly unique to South Africa as many nations, including fully developed nations, open up their markets to cheaper and inferior products for a myriad of reasons. It is to be noted that China is South Africa’s largest trading partner, a fact that may have factored into the decision to import the garments. The problem with this is that it has created a dependency on cheaply made and seemingly affordable products amongst the general populace. This in turn has stifled innovation in both developing and developed nations and cannibalised their local markets. Any attempt to produce similar products locally often fail due to stiff and unfair competition from cheaper Chinese alternatives. In third world countries, this is even more devastating because a populace that already earns a paltry living for comparable professions in developed countries can never ask for higher wages or seek to raise their standard of livings due to an addiction to cheap Chinese knock offs. Through their trade tariffs, the last American administration sought to punish China for intellectual property theft. Much of which powers their industries and has enabled their prosperity even if only in part. Even though consumers around the world would feel the squeeze this was the first time that China was being held accountable for being a bad actor on the global stage. A habit they’ve not only cultivated but often reap bountiful harvest due to the apathy of other western countries to hold them accountable. Third world countries cannot hope to hold China accountable as often they are deeply indebted to China and have no political or economic will power to be able to do so and do so successfully. While Western countries give a pass to Chinese malice on the global stage, those who suffer the most are third world countries as they are caught up in between a battle of titans. It is of expedience that China be held to account and the only country with the political and economic capital able to do so is America. America first policies that would capitalise on local investment rather than overseas investment would mean a break from reliance on China which would starve a dictatorial regime of a market it is in constant dire need of to hold on to its world dominance.
The World Health Organisation’s seeming collusion with the CCP to cover the origins and severity of the pandemic highlights a crisis of morality and integrity that has compromised United Nations’ bodies. Perhaps one that has been festering under the surface for decades and was only exposed recently. Rather than serve for the good of all mankind, service seems to be for the good of Chinese imperialistic ambitions first while the rest be damned.
The outbreak of the CCP virus has brought a lot to light especially with regard to the world’s tenuous relationship with China. While the cause of the outbreak and the mystery surrounding it are a topic for another discussion, the response to the outbreak is relevant to this discussion. China’s corrupting influence on governments and institutions has been laid bare for all to see but yet it would seem that not many would venture to have a look. The World Health Organisation’s seeming collusion with the CCP to cover the origins and severity of the pandemic highlights a crisis of morality and integrity that has compromised United Nations’ bodies. Perhaps one that has been festering under the surface for decades and was only exposed recently. Rather than serve for the good of all mankind, service seems to be for the good of Chinese imperialist ambitions first while the rest be damned. America’s last administration sought to challenge the failures of the World Health Organisation. A move that may have received wide spread criticism from world governments but one that was necessary. Partisan American politicians took cheap shots at then President Trump for seeking to withhold funding from the World Health Organisation in a bid to gain accountability from its leadership. While funding has been re-instated under the current administration, the shots seemed to have ricocheted as we are no closer to having any meaningful cooperation from the CCP with regards to the origins of the outbreak. Meanwhile the World Health Organisation’s reputation lies in ruins. As western governments give in to Tyranny, America’s constitution and America’s federal system of governance has offered useful insight into what is appropriate and inappropriate with regard to responses to the CCP virus pandemic. We have seen states like Florida flourish while states like California and New York have been crushed under wave after wave of unscientific and possibly unconstitutional gubernatorial edicts. Some business have gone completely under water never to emerge again. Those that are barely treading water maybe wiped out if more unconstitutional lockdowns are imposed. Through this all, America has been a beacon of light for others. While there have been mistakes made, the varied nature of the pandemic response may have provided a useful blue print for others to follow.

American corporations worship Chinese money and often bend over backwards to the outrageous and often unethical requests of the CCP. To them, China is a cash cow but one with a temperament. A cow that supplies milk tainted with the distinct flavour of tyranny. Fed on a pasture of Communism, this cow may skip death and skip straight into its mutant phase. A mutant that sooner or later will have to be slaughtered in the abattoir of democracy and freedom.
American corruption serves to enable Chinese misconduct. American corporations worship Chinese money and often bend over backwards to the outrageous and often unethical requests of the CCP. Often even going as far as to self censor in an attempt to not offend their CCP overlords. To them, China is a cash cow but one with a temperament. A cow that supplies milk tainted with the distinct flavour of tyranny. Fed on a pasture of Communism, this cow may skip death and skip straight into its mutant phase. A mutant that sooner or later will have to be slaughtered in the abattoir of democracy and freedom. Not just for the sake of Chinese denizens but for the world at large. The more American politicians open themselves up to seduction by the CCP, the longer and harder it will be to take down this beast. The CCP scores consistent victories against the rest of the world because they haven’t snuck in to the encampment, they were welcomed in whole heartedly by American intelligentsia. What many don’t realise is that they have already taken an antidote to the poison they are brewing. Academia, media and American corporations are being used to dose vast swathes of the American populace by handing out vials of the religion of wokeness. Meanwhile, the dollar bills that trade hands behind closed doors are marked with the blood of the victims of the CCP. The European Union and the UK cannot be tasked with holding the CCP accountable. Often, the signals of virtue they send out cross out any meaningful message of condemnation. This began and will end with America. America’s frontiersmen set out from an English colony in an attempt to carve out for themselves a place in this world. What resulted is the world’s greatest nation and one’s whose ideals closely mirror my own, and I’m willing to wager that of many others. Ideals that are worth fighting for and upholding for the good of all mankind. Civil liberties worth emulating and a multiculturalism that has made America a multifaceted society. A society that offers ample of opportunities directly and indirectly even for those outside its borders. American may not be the final frontier, but it is one that needs defending. In my humble opinion, the war that is being fought against us will be worn or lost with America.
Image credits in order of appearance: Image par martín solís de Pixabay; Image par OpenClipart-Vectors de Pixabay; Image par Gorkhs de Pixabay