The Powerful Symbolism Of Captured British Mercenary Aiden Aslin
One man’s freedom fighter is another man’s terrorist or so the saying goes. Perhaps more precisely, one man’s prisoner of war is another man’s mercenary. In late April, this year, British journalist Graham Phillips, formerly of RT, published a video of captured British Mercenary Aiden Aslin. One of the first outlets to publicise the story was Russia’s own ministry of foreign affairs with the caption(paraphrased) ” hopefully he will learn important lessons and choose a better path in future.” It seemed as if the Russian Ministry of Foreign affairs was gloating over his capture. Earlier on, British media outlets seemed jubilant at the thought of British mercenaries, then termed volunteer fighters, joining the Ukrainian war effort. Brave young men who had risked everything to go and fight for a worthy cause. Men who were engaged in “ferocious battle” against President Putin. Amidst the ensuing cacophony following the publishing of the video interview, one fact does seem to be getting lost from Aidan’s testimony: The war isn’t what it is being sold as to the general public. An American mercenary going by the name of Zander, who had fled to the Polish border, seems to have reported something similar to independent journalist Michael Tracy. For the duration of the ongoing war in Ukraine, London seems to have become the central hub for Ukrainian propaganda and American and their NATO allies’ misinformation about the war. The British public has been besieged by a never ending barrage of visual pro-war propaganda. The British public is constantly reminded to #bebravelikeUkraine. A massive PR campaign that has been undertaken by several Ukrainian government Ministries as well as the office of the President of Ukraine. On the surface, this may seem benign but it begs the question: Who is paying for all of this and why does a war need this large an advertising budget if any at all. However, I’m willing to posit that if the war is being treated like a product and one in which the stakes are high enough to warrant limitless capital investment, this may be adequate as the returns may be exponentially more. Weapons manufacturers have already been posting strong stock market numbers since the start of the war. Sadly, at times, the business of war is just that, a business. In this case, the Ukrainians are the latest product. Not just pawns being used in a proxy war but off the shelf prepackaged money-makers for unscrupulous individuals.

On the surface, this may seem benign but it begs the question: Who is paying for all of this and why does a war need this large an advertising budget if any at all.
Recently, America’s congress approved a 40 billion dollar aid package to Ukraine. Last month there were already reports of American arms being lost in the ether once they were sent over to Ukraine. No accountability and no oversight. What was once considered to be verboten is now being stated publicly: America and Its NATO allies are in a proxy war with Russia. Meanwhile, the Ukrainian people suffer as their country is being used a giant chess board by forces far more powerful than them. Already, Congress has appropriated more funds in the span of weeks to Ukraine than they did annually during the 20 year nation building hoax in Afghanistan. Of course the money being expended in foreign aid isn’t their own and the consequences of America’s boomerang sanctions seem to have affected every other nation but Russia. They have been a disaster that hitherto are yet to prove effective in any capacity. Costs of living have risen significantly across the board. As a result of the ongoing conflict there seems to be a strong likelihood many nations will face famine. After being ravaged by lockdown policies that cratered world economies and squandered productive output this may be a blow too far for many.
I’m willing to posit that there is either woeful incompetence at the highest levels of American and NATO leadership or a group of individuals so ideologically possessed they would rather wreck the whole world to satisfy childish whims: The desire to inflict pain and harm on President Vladimir Putin and the Russian populace.
The problem with all of the pro-war propaganda flying around isn’t that its obvious propaganda, its that its hitting its intended target audience and galvanising many to support efforts that may lead to a prolonged war. Efforts such as seemingly poorly thought out sanctions and pouring of billons of dollars in weapons and ammunition into a war zone. The more this war goes on the more Ukrainian people lose and the more the rest of the world suffers as a result of the conflict. The Russian Ruble, which a few months prior America’s leading man in the White House Joseph R. Biden had claimed would be cratered, has rebounded stronger than ever before and just after a few weeks. The plot to sanction Russian banks from trading using dollars and euros led to a retaliatory gas for rubles scheme that has ensured strong growth in the Russian economy. European Countries participating in the sanctions are the ones most in need of the gas and have been capitulating to the demands as the Russians have kept their promise to not deliver gas to what they deem as unfriendly nations. I’m willing to posit that there is either woeful incompetence at the highest levels of American and NATO leadership or a group of individuals so ideologically possessed they would rather wreck the whole world to satisfy childish whims: The desire to inflict pain and harm on President Vladimir Putin and the Russian populace. The general public is being whipped up into a frenzy and what at the start of this war was thought preposterous is now being considered conversationally amongst many. Escalation will only lead to more escalation and not de-escalation. We have already seen this with the failed sanctions and retaliatory Gazprom affair.
Like much of the general public, Aiden Aslin, by his own testimony, was fed a steady diet of wartime propaganda that has been deemed by some to be worse than that during the Iraq war and period surrounding the “war on terror.” To simply point out that media reports are largely inconsistent with common sense and logic and often times are not even in this realm of reality is sufficient to have one be labeled a pro-Putin stooge. Graham Philips for his part in airing out dissenting views of the situation on the ground and in particular publishing the interview with captured British mercenary Aiden Aslin has been labelled a pro-Kremlin advocate. Yet, no refutation of the content in the video other than accusations of spreading pro-Kremlin propaganda. The very outlets that vehemently lead the derision against his interview are the same outlets that have published over the top Ukrainian war propaganda without a moments pause to authenticate the veracity of the claims being passed off as truths. Aiden, in the now infamous video, in which he categorically states was not made under duress, expresses regret at participating in the war. It may be very well possible that Aidan’s comments were given under duress. However, his overall demeanour compared to that of Ukrainian opposition leader Medvedchuk seems to suggest otherwise. Medvedchuck does seem battered and bruised and worse for wear. Aidan does not. However, it is worth noting that his immediate family, per British mainstream media, have refuted his state and his status as a mercenary but rather a prisoner of war. The only way to verify this is to have independent teams assess their situation. As of this moment this is highly unlikely. We can only but rely on the video and photographic evidence adduced by both sides of this war.

The idea of a workable peace and a diplomatic solution to end the war seems to have been eschewed from public conversation. Purged like a bad spirit likely to jinx one’s fortunes. Of course a peaceful resolution would inhibit the fortunes of many in the military industrial machine from rising any higher.
Investigative journalist Glenn Greenwald, on a business trip to America, noted the volume of pro-ukraine sentiment even in places he least expected it. It does seem that many in the American public and their NATO allies have been bought and sold on Ukraine being a bastion of democracy that has to be protected and defended at all costs. The idea of a workable peace and a diplomatic solution to end the war seems to have been eschewed from public conversation. Purged like a bad spirit likely to jinx one’s fortunes. Of course a peaceful resolution would inhibit the fortunes of many in the military industrial machine from rising any higher. Hardly is there any separation from congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez to Senator Ted Cruz who are both in favour of the additional 48 billion dollars in funding that has been appropriated for the war in Ukraine. The latter whom has faced some pushback on his explanation on why he voted for the aid package as his constituents demand to know why more of their money is being used to address foreign problems as opposed to their own. The former is yet to comment in spite of being marketed as a liberal anti-establishment anti-war candidate. The media and foreign policy apparatus seem to be operating in lock and step in their desire to fuel the flames of this war. This war has now transcended the battlefields in Ukraine and become a full on ideological war with many clinging on to their pro-war advocacy with a religious fervour. What happens when they realise that the Ukrainian victories that are being touted are mainly in the fifth estate and not actually on the ground tactical victories. Will they collapse into disappointment’s embrace after realising that they have been led on by the deceitful seductions of a corrupt media apparatus and deceitful bureaucrats? The azovstol surrender of the Azov batallion should have been enough to wake many up. This was span as some sort of victory by some in corporate media. Perhaps the maxim victory has defeated them found truth in this peculiar media touted victory as the victors immediately became actual prisoners of war.
This war has now transcended the battlefields in Ukraine and become a full on ideological war with many clinging on to their pro-war advocacy with a religious fervour.
Aiden Aslin embodies the war sentiments of much of the general public in America and its NATO allies. In some sense symbolising the whole pro-war effort. Rightfully, wanting to right perceived wrongs only to later realise that these were mostly just perceptions. Not reality. It has been said war is a dehumanising affair. It robs the soldiers and their victims of their humanity. There are no clean hands in war and we are behoved to seek a peaceful resolution to this conflict and avoid further loss of life. Much has already been lost. There is always much more that can be lost to the military industrial machine. Afghanistan serves as a stark and very recent reminder of this.
Image credits in order of appearance:Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay; Image by Enrique Meseguer from Pixabay