The New Mafia
Over the past few months it has become clear that America’s federal intelligence agencies operate without adequate oversight and mete out their own extrajudicial brand of justice with impunity. This is evident in their overt targeting of American parents as domestic terrorists to predawn raids at the homes of journalists. Questions for accountability often go unanswered and reports submitted so heavily redacted that they have no meaningful application. What has become increasingly alarming and abundantly clear is that the intelligence agencies seem to be running at the behest of powerful factions or individuals in Washington. DC is and has been for a long time a rogue nation with its own army, namely the FBI, used to exact their partisan brand of justice on dissenters and disruptors. There is a possibility that the intelligence agencies really don’t have any allegiance to any particular political faction but rather pledge loyalty to themselves. Unchecked and unelected bureaucrats with enough power to subvert foreign governments and cripple countries for decades to advance their own agenda. The complete failure of American adventurism in Afghanistan is a recent case in point. While the intelligence agencies have always had ways of infiltrating media organisations and shifting media focus, this was and has always been done in secret. The confluence of America’s corporate media interests and the intelligence agencies is now an openly celebrated fact. Panels of “experts” who confer their opinions to the public via nightly broadcasts are nought more than political mercenaries for hire. Plying their trade of deceit out in the open while being rewarded generously by ongoing media attention and lucrative TV deals. The prostitution of what was once the noble profession of journalism has birthed mistrust in this institution. Mistrust that was seeded through years of corruption and wilful journalistic malpractice and malfeasance. Once a lovechild of integrity, truth and honest governance, democracy in America has been bastardised almost beyond recognition. Perhaps America’s greatest failure was entrusting their greatest achievement in the hands of a few. While the founding fathers were led by ideals, some rooted in Judeo-Christian beliefs, today’s political landscape is proving to be no country for old men as their statues get ripped down in celebration of the latest absurd woke awakening. A religion that is quickly replacing the old and one that has been weaponised to devastating effect against the American populace.

Once a lovechild of integrity, truth and honest governance, democracy in America has been bastardised almost beyond recognition. Perhaps America’s greatest failure was entrusting their greatest achievement in the hands of a few. While the founding fathers were led by ideals, some rooted in Judeo-Christian beliefs, today’s political landscape is proving to be no country for old men as their statues get ripped down in celebration of the latest absurd woke awakening.
Danchenko’s indictment over the past week arrived with a little more than a splash and was mainly carried by independent voices outside the corridors of mainstream corporate media. Sadly, being porters of truth requires bigger buckets and more volunteers. What should be and still could be floods of Biblical proportion, cleansing through the decadent wasteland of media and intelligence agency corruption is being ignored as these two institutions easily sail through the waters of culpability, riding atop the high waves of American ignorance. The intelligence agencies in America were weaponised against the American people and largely got away with perpetuating the greatest scam in American history because of their willing collaborators in the corporate media. Now that the Russia Hoax has been smashed into a billion pieces, rather the clean house and come clean, American mainstream media houses who pushed the fraud refuse to acknowledge any wrong doing. After all, this was their bread and butter for the duration of the Trump years. In stead, what we are witnessing is a steeling of their resolve to double down on their lies and cover up for what has been referred to by some as the American overstate. This permanent class of rulers in Washington who are anchored so deep that regardless of who inhabits the White House, their bidding seems to always get done. Even as special counsel John Durham puts out indictments, many of these are only an official confirmation of what was known years prior and was already evident. Why he chose to wait to release very damning allegations and indictments when they would be least impactful remains a mystery hitherto unsolved. It still remains to be seen if any of the key perpetrators of the Hoax will face criminal charges. This was a conspiracy that has now been proven to have involved the Hillary Clinton Campaign, The DNC, DNC operatives such as congressman Adam Schiff(D-California)and a whole host of other bad actors potentially going up to former President Obama and then Vice President Joe Biden. While they may all have different levels of culpability, the American public is in need of respite.
The intelligence agencies in America were weaponised against the American people and largely got away with perpetuating the greatest scam in American history because of their willing collaborators in the corporate media. Now that the Russia Hoax has been smashed into a billion pieces, rather the clean house and come clean, American mainstream media houses who pushed the fraud refuse to acknowledge any wrong doing.
Recently, Project Veritas, the guerrilla journalists outfit was targeted by the FBI under the pretext of a criminal investigation over the alleged theft of Ashley Biden’s diary. While the warrants executed for the search have raised serious questions about freedom of the press in America, this appears to be nothing more than targeted harassment. The New York Times, which is currently in litigation with Project Veritas in a defamation lawsuit filed against them, was the first to publish about the FBI raid in spite of the warrants served being private. Additionally, as Project Veritas have filed a motion with the appeals court to have Mr. O’Keefe’s confiscated cellphone returned and for the FBI to not go through any of its content other than what is deemed necessary, the New York Times seems to already have been privy to the contents of the cellphone. They have published privileged communication between Project Veritas and their lawyers. The FBI has become increasingly brazen over the past few years in their overt harassment campaigns. There is something very mafia-esque about this sordid state of affairs as they seem to operate with impunity. This narcissism speaks of a rot and corruption that has not only been festering in the shadows for years but one that is finally spilling over. Through deceit and inaction lives of Americans have been destroyed. Lives such as those of the women who alleged sexual abuse in the hands of Lawrence Gerard Nassar. A former USA Gymnastics physician who has now been sentenced to 60 years in federal prison for child pornography and obstruction of justice offences. A case in which the office of the inspector general found that the FBI had mishandled. Inaction such as a refusal or unwillingness to release exculpatory evidence linked to the Kyle Rittenhouse trial. A teenager who faces life in prison over what many are only now realising was self defence after being misled by America’s corporate media for over a year. Lies which they launder through their media associates such as the New York Times and the Washington Post. A conglomerate of evil. Lies such as the Russia Hoax and the Afghan Bounties Hoax.

Ultimately, each Mafia becomes too large for its own good. Terror squads don’t inflict terror forever. The egos of men precede them to their doom and downfall. Former Bureau head and dirty cop, James Comey, was brought down by his recklessness. He may have escaped justice for his key role in perpetuating the Russia Hoax, but sooner or later, when all the false narratives crumble he’ll be buried by the very men he sought to protect and whose ambitions he sought to elevate.
It is evident that there is very little political will power to go after the heads of America’s intelligence agencies. Even after years of operating with impunity very little has been done to curb the loss of The FBI to partisanship. Letters have been written, criminal referrals given but yet not one single perp has faced justice for their culpability in various crimes. Even more distressingly, no recall of partisan DoJ leadership. Perhaps it’s because of the immense power they wield or more likely the amount of personal data and information they have on American leadership. Made up or otherwise. As The FBI becomes more reckless with their overt displays of abuse the more they push the American public closer to breaking point. It isn’t uncommon to hear calls for the disbandment of The FBI amongst various segments of America’s populace. Ultimately, each Mafia becomes too large for its own good. Terror squads can’t inflict terror forever. The egos of men precede them to their doom and downfall. Former Bureau head and dirty cop, James Comey, was brought down by his recklessness. He may have escaped justice for his key role in perpetuating the Russia Hoax, but sooner or later, when all the false narratives crumble he’ll be buried by the very men he sought to protect and whose ambitions he sought to elevate. Calls for accountability fall onto deaf ears as the Washington uni-party sits silent as civic liberties of American citizens are routinely abused. The FBI and other federal agencies have been turned into Washington’s ruling class praetorian guard cheered on by a vast segment of America’s populace. A populace whose ignorance, in some cases wilful, has empowered this thuggish behaviour from the world’s leading intelligence agency. Sadly, it fails to dawn on many that The FBI is a blunt instrument of terror. There is no precision to its strikes and with each strike comes collateral damage.
Image credits in order of appearance: Image par Gordon Johnson de Pixabay; Image par Clker-Free-Vector-Images de Pixabay