The Fall Of Twenty Twenty
It has been interesting to watch the progression of hysteria over last year’s Presidential election. The loud cries that try to drown out the gentle whispers about the election being fraudulent. The January 6th riots served as a useful pretext for social media companies to enforce draconian policies that seemed targeted at one side of the ideological aisle of the American populace. Any mention of the word fraud was met with such brutal reprisal it befit the proverbial definition of using a nuke to kill a fly. The American media intelligentsia have tried to bury the lede on last year’s election irregularities but without any meaningful success. Big Tech companies attempted to seal the coffin of election grievances in a tomb of internet silence. A de facto information black out on all mentions of the now certified presidential election. Unfortunately, the stench of the rotted corpse has only become worse. The main stream American media and political ruling class held up their noses high not only in contempt of the plebeians but also to avoid the foul smell of the decaying cadaver of what was once election integrity. A smell they tried to cleverly mask with the sweet yet deadly fragrance of the perfume they named “protecting democracy.” More and more, what had initially seemed like theories of election fraud are turning out to be in fact provable fact. Yet, weirdly enough, not a word from the GOP save a few prominent members we can count on one hand.

The main stream American media and political ruling class held up their noses high not only in contempt of the plebeians but also to avoid the foul smell of the decaying cadaver of what was once election integrity. A smell they tried to cleverly mask with the sweet yet deadly fragrance of the perfume they named “protecting democracy.”
Many in America feel that last year’s election was stolen. According to a recent poll by Rasmussen, this has been a general sentiment for nearly half of America’s voting population but hitherto not a provable fact. Immediately after the election, statisticians came up with theories even formulae to show that the indicia for fraud was present but never anything concrete. The election days that at times rolled into election weeks, contrary to the American constitution, signalled that something was afoot yet many were powerless to do anything about it. Main stream media networks and even Republican leaders were quick to call the election for Joseph R. Biden in spite of all the irregularities. We’ve only recently found out that while some of them talked a big game on television they had no intention of supporting calls for election integrity or election audits. This served only as a fund raising opportunity for them. This insolence wasn’t just a catastrophic failure for the Republican Party, it was their downfall. For four years they had ridden on the coat tails of former President Trump’s success and his larger than life personality but ultimately betrayed not only him but Americans by failing in their duties to ensure a free and fair election.

We wonder if they realise that the current inhabitant of the White House is not Rapunzel in need of saving. He is Sleeping Beauty. Deception’s kiss, that which woke him up to helm a presidency he seems incapable of managing will be the same that will bury him in the rubble of their tower of lies.
Fast forward to today and the highlights from the Georgia election audits in Fulton County seem to prove what many already knew: The election outcome or at least significant parts of it were a complete sham. The walls of this high tower of corruption have started to crumble and the American apparatchiks have gone into overdrive in an attempt to deflect from the obvious. We wonder if they realise that the current inhabitant of the White House is not Rapunzel in need of saving. He is Sleeping Beauty. Deception’s kiss, that which woke him up to a presidency he seems incapable of managing will be the same that will bury him in the rubble of their tower of lies. No sooner were the results of the Georgia audit out was there a cockamamie story from American General Milley about made up nonsense that he can only allege but not prove. The Guardian, keeping in step with the tradition of America’s corrupt mainstream media to run interference for their preferred political party and candidate, has published a made up hoax story about non existent Trump-Russia collusion. While the author of this story, Luke Harding, is a known charlatan and fine purveyor of media hoaxes and lies, it’s not a stretch to posit that the architects of this garbage are the current ruling party and whoever they answer to. It will be remiss if I don’t mention that former president Trump while highly popular amongst his base, was also deeply unpopular for a myriad of reasons amongst many Americans. To many of them, perhaps the ends justified the means of his removal from office. His ouster from the white house at the ballot box using any means necessary, even fraud, was a calling that perhaps many felt was divine in its origin. After all, as General Milley, the head of the Joint Chiefs puts it, his supporters are comparable to Nazi’s. Unfortunately for them and for the rest of the world, this call must have come from Cthulhu as America’s economy and world dominance tanked almost immediately after Joseph R. Biden assumed the seat in the Oval Office. China’s imperialistic ambitions which had been held at bay for awhile are now back on track.
His ouster from the white house at the ballot box using any means necessary, even fraud, was a calling that perhaps many felt was divine in its origin. After all, as General Milley, the head of the Joint Chiefs puts it, his supporters are comparable to Nazi’s. Unfortunately for them and for the rest of the world, this call must have come from Cthulhu as America’s economy and world dominance tanked almost immediately after Joseph R. Biden assumed the seat in the Oval Office.
Skimming through the various American news outlets, it has been interesting to note which news organisations have covered the election audits and which ones have not. In particular, skimming through media outlets with a right leaning bias. This is important because often these outlets shape the opinions of voters as have the corporate main stream media outlets done in the past decades and still do to a large extent. When many abandoned corporate media’s ship and dove into the waters of independent media outlets, the once independent media outlets grew. Some now have audiences that eclipse those of the corporate media outlets. What these outlets choose to cover has the ability to shape the destiny of a country especially at pivotal moments such as these. An informed and knowledgeable citizenry, as Dwight Eisenhower mused in his last public speech as President, can hold the government and those in leadership to account. This is what keeps tyranny at bay and is often the first thing to go at the onset of a dictatorship. These independent outlets have been a viable alternative to the drivel perpetuated by the American corporate media. Sadly, what is missing from some of the largest independent media outlets with a right leaning bias is any mention of the election audits. I specifically mention the right leaning media outlets because it should be a foregone conclusion by now that corporate media and left leaning media outlets will not offer any coverage of the election audits. An attempt to do so will spell disaster as many of them actively, almost to the point of hysteria, pushed back against any claims of election fraud. For many of us they have become nothing more than objects of amusement, proven by the steep decline in lack of trust in the American media which is at an all time low of 29%, as they seem to lose all objectivity when it comes to any coverage of former President Trump.
Immediately after the election period, as film director Amanda Milius notes, there was a lack of clear leadership amongst the Trump Election Campaign legal team. There was a flurry of election lawsuits, some more fantastical than others, that were filed. Many were tossed out for procedural issues and not judged solely on merit. In the confusion, the most bombastic of claims, yet seemingly the most difficult to prove were latched on to by members of the main stream media and many Trump supporters. These turned the gaze of many away from the low hanging fruit of old fashioned fraud that could have been easier to prove. The January 6th riots seemed to sound the death knell to any claims of election irregularities. While many prominent voices in conservative circles moved on, the more, or perhaps to put it differently, better principled stood their ground and kept working in the background amidst all the noise or rather lack of it as these claims were driven underground through online and media censorship. Ultimately, this has borne fruit and led to the now Georgia and Arizona forensic audits of last year’s election.
If it is indeed found that the total tally of fraudulent votes was enough to overturn the election outcome, even if there is no judicial remedy, the populace needs to drum home the fact that last year’s election was a farce. The words “Illegitimate President” should be the refrain of their song for freedom. Each stanza should begin and end with a call for accountability for all who were involved.
Those who love freedom and decry tyranny and corruption need to seize this moment and add on to the momentum. The louder CNN and the rest of the corrupt corporate media and political establishment cry out “Big Lie,” the louder the American populace needs to ask for transparency. It must not be forgotten that those who were defrauded weren’t only Trump supporters. America and Americans at large were defrauded of a free and fair election. America’s position as a stalwart for democracy was tarnished, hopefully, not irreparably. Voters need to pressure their representatives to use this as a battle cry. If it is indeed found that the total tally of fraudulent votes was enough to overturn the election outcome, even if there is no judicial remedy, the populace needs to drum home the fact that last year’s election was a farce. The words “Illegitimate President” should be the refrain of their song for freedom. Each stanza should begin and end with a call for accountability for all who were involved. This should be the anthem at the start and end of every meeting, at every congressional session and every public appearance of scrupulous American leadership. The current inhabitant(s) of the White House may be in office for the next four years but their effectiveness and ability to govern will be greatly diminished if the American populace does not regard them as the rightful holders of office. America is the worlds greatest nation, no holds barred, it cannot and must not be allowed to fall into the hands of crooked men who act as if they are gods among us. In reality, their actions speak of those who are betrothed to the devil and indeed he was in the details of their well planned assault on democracy.
The fall of twenty twenty saw a corrupt election that was facilitated and empowered by a GOP that lacked, dare I say it, twenty twenty vision and lacked foresight to see the devastating effects of their dereliction of duty. In the coming days, weeks, even months it is highly likely that it will be revealed that many were in lock and step with the co-conspirators of this coup. Unholy alliances were most likely formed to take down an outsider who would have most likely led to the fall of the American political establishment. Last year’s election may have led to the fall of the GOP in the eyes of many of their voters, but hopefully, it has also led to the rise of a new political class. One that is not beholden to big corporations, dark money and China. Rather one that is shackled to freedom and the American ideals that make America a beacon of hope to the rest of the world. One, that will make America great again. One that will preserve all that is good about America and banish from its land all that is not. One that will keep America great.
Image credit in order of appearance: Image par busmeon27 de Pixabay; Image par OpenClipart-Vectors de Pixabay