The Deceptive Allure Of American Balkanisation
How American Conservatives Fail
Ever since the somewhat lacklustre results of the American midterm elections, there has been a significant amount of blame casting within the Republican Party and amongst American conservatives. The forecast of a red wave sadly never materialised in spite of myriad attempts to retcon the original meaning of the phrase. In the minds of many, the imagery evinced predicted a catastrophic event that would redefine the American political landscape. Not just an onward march to victory but a glorious touch down liberating and vindicating those who deem themselves persecuted over the past two or so years into the Biden presidency. What many had predicted to have been easy victories with comfortable margins came down to the wire during the election period. While there were election victories worth celebrating the Republican Party is still in a precarious position. This being said, there has been some introspection as to where some of the failings were. Particularly highlighted is the issue of mail in ballot voting which seems to have bridged the gap in voter enthusiasm for the two parties. Some have remarked, rather poignantly, that Democrat voters feel that their representatives care about them and their needs even if this may be far from the reality on the ground. On the contrary, there is open animosity between the conservative base and their chosen Republican representatives. Some in republican leadership seem keen on stamping out what they deem to be the growing threat of “Trumpism” to “conservative values” within the party. It does seem that many within leadership despise their base and are keen on holding on to power even if it means losing. For many years the republican party sailed through on worthless over-broad promises but never accomplished much. Then came in an actual elephant in the room. Their pretentious piety was exposed for all to see as many were revealed to be in lock and step with the Washington uni-party. The Red bull in America’s china shop was a wrecking ball to America’s political norms. A much needed stimulant that jolted many awake. America is a deeply religious nation especially amongst those who identify as areligious. It does seem that the Republican party got away with a sure voting base because they spoke the language of religion and made great showings of adhering to religious tenets. What went unnoticed is that the American left also had an allegiance to a multifaceted religion. A religion which differed from that of conservatives in that there wasn’t an adherence to one particular doctrine but to an amalgam of many. A worship of many gods chief among them being the god of self.
Then came in an actual elephant in the room. Their pretentious piety was exposed for all to see as many were revealed to be in lock and step with the Washington uni-party.The Red bull in America’s china shop was a wrecking ball to America’s political norms. A much needed stimulant that jolted many awake.
It would seem that the American left has become adept at seeding an “us versus them” mentality amongst America’s general populace. A mentality that has hitherto worked to their advantage by enabling them to reap bountiful harvest come each election cycle. Issues that require participation in the democratic processes of the “free world” are fully marketed as the defining issues of the current and next millennia. A literal fight against good and evil. However, I suspect that the American left isn’t as adept a marketer of deranged ideas as many have been led to believe. Ideas that have been and are pushed out with the aim of wider adoption. I’m willing to wager that the ruling cabal in Washington simply found a group so dedicated to their religion that their zealotry could be manipulated through lies, deceptions and cheap sentimentality. As an example, some have made race their identity. A perceived attack on a particular racial group energises them to vote in a particular way. The refrain and song of identity politics each day’s hymnal carolled by many in the corporate mainstream media. This fosters unparalleled dedication and cultism that is rewarded by cheap parlour tricks as media houses create visuals that fool the masses and sell a narrative. American conservatives have thus been forced to adapt, albeit many moons too late, in engaging in similar tactics. Many a headline in conservative media outlets, even those that are independent, will often frame stories and headlines through the prism of an “us versus them” mentality. A headline will be ridiculing some insane thing that the “woke left” has done or some other shenanigan that the “Biden DoJ” has become embroiled in. In my opinion, this is a failing tactic that plays right into the hands of the Washington uni-party. This echoes war time propaganda where one’s misdeeds are viewed as mistakes but those of others are viewed as deliberate acts. In war, we are all losers. A house divided cannot stand. In engaging in this game all the levers of control have been handed to a select few in Washington. The few who are paying to rig the game all the while using funds from the players own pockets. Rather than fund their own destruction and the destruction of the “woke left,” I posit that it will be better overall if conservatives chose not play in the first place.
Sadly, these sympathies were monetised into bankable wars that have ravaged this planet for decades. All sold as necessary. The devastation they have wrought was naught more than worthless cheques that could never be cashed in by those on the receiving end of “American liberation.”
The problem with the adapt or die mentality is that it sacrifices hard fought for and hard worn principles that form a crucial part of one’s identity. To be clear, there is nothing wrong with coming up with clever ways of winning a rigged game. However, it is important to realise that those American conservatives are fighting against aren’t the “woke left” but rather those who manipulate them. While there are many who willingly participate in the absurdities of American society, there is a significant number who aren’t none the wiser. In my opinion, American conservatives need to seek to obtain a super majority and not balkanise the country. Naturally this is no easy task as those whom they may seek to bring into the fold wish death upon them, sometimes literally. Additionally, there is no unified ideology to what an American conservative is or should be. Being opposed to the “woke left” and not being a Democrat or Independent voter seem to have been enough for admission into the conservative club. A club which boasts membership to some of the world’s worst alleged bonafide war criminal scum such as Dick Cheney and George Bush. To be fair though, this isn’t unique to the “conservative” movement as the liberals have Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Peculiar how the heads of these two separate clubs seem to share a lot in common. Mortal enemies on paper, bed fellows in actuality. Of course, if the clubs share similar facilities headquartered on the same grounds, the owners of the grounds are the ones who are really in charge of the clubs. Perhaps, they even get their pick of team leadership. They are the ones who rig the games and tip the scales whichever way pleases them. The “woke left” may be the crazy ones for now but it was conservatives who actively cheerled globe trotting war mongering for decades. Each new war based on some made up hoax carefully designed to manipulate the conservative mind and heart into false sympathies over nameless faceless others in need of saving. Sadly, these sympathies were monetised into bankable wars that have ravaged this planet for decades. All sold as necessary. The devastation they have wrought was naught more than worthless cheques that could never be cashed in by those on the receiving end of “American liberation.” Many of the billions, in some case trillions, exfiltrated from the American tax payer base to distant nations only bought the recipients misery. The balance left over somehow never enough to effect any meaningful change.
Conservatives need to lay aside the othering and realise that without the assistance of those who seek to destroy them the long walk to freedom will become a trek to the other side of the galaxy.
To many an American conservative, it may seem that their country is being ravaged by a pandemic of ideological rot, corruption and destruction. I’m willing to posit that America has been a nation in decline for the past several decades. The only difference with current day being that the decline was carefully managed or at least kept from public view. The entropy of American ideals is evidenced by the atrophy of the morale and dignity of the general populace. Things once considered intolerable are now openly celebrated. Conservatives are being drawn into a battle field where the die have already been cast and the oracles have spiked the outcome of the war. Their prophecies never really predictions but pathways mapped out forcefully onto the stars. Misguiding and misdirecting any sailor attempting to plot their course through history. Many are scurrying to eke out victories on an uneven playing field with a team that is perpetually in disunity and prone to scoring own goals. Rather than charging forward, distracted by joining the cheerleaders on the sidelines in name calling the opposition and pointing out the absurdities of their ideological positions. These positions are untenable. There is no guaranteed victory. Conservatives need to lay aside the othering and realise that without the assistance of those who seek to destroy them the long walk to freedom will become a trek to the other side of the galaxy. Ideology aside, the “woke left” are still Americans. America has always been a place where many different ideologies and different peoples can coexist in harmony. The fatalism espoused by those who believe in balkanisation will rend the country into many non cognisable pieces that can never be made whole again. Rather than direct their efforts at the populace, conservatives need to direct them to those who’ve weaponised their fellow Americans against them.
Image appearance in order of appearance: Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay; Image by Colleen from Pixabay; Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay