The American Colosseum
How America’s Public Was Coopted Into Spectating A Blood Sport
Earlier this past week, President Trump released a statement on an FBI raid in process at his Mar-A-Lago property in Palm Beach, Florida. The ensuing cacophony has dominated much of the American public conversation for the entirety of the week and shows no signs of abating. The American propaganda machine which for the past few months was pre-occupied with the war in Eastern Europe has now shifted its focus inwards. The timing is rather peculiar it’s almost uncanny. Almost as if on cue, when the failing and failed war effort in Eastern Europe seems to have become harder to cover up, a new scandal is already at hand. The fury from segments of America is almost palpable as is the glee from other segments. Conservative pundits, journalists and commentators have been made prophets as what they had prophesied with regard to the weaponisation of the justice department has come to pass. Julie Kelly of American greatness, is a current day oracle whose songs of warning and hymns of sorrow went ignored for far too long and calamity has now befallen the Americans. Apathy to the persecuted Capitol Hill rioters by the political establishment, the media and many Americans has enabled an out of control justice department to amass more and more power. The stunning raid on President Trump’s residence on what seems to have been nothing more than a phishing expedition has cleaved America cleanly in two. A Rasmussen poll has found that exactly half of Americans believe Trump committed crimes justifying the raid. The other half see this as nothing more than political ploy to take out Trump once and for all and permanently put down the movement he started. For all intents and purposes, the raid is no longer about facts. This has become ideological. Half of Americans seemingly keen on sacrificing the President to their gods of self and hatred. The other half still in disarray with a few realising that this is a blood sport. All trapped in the great American colosseum.

Conservative pundits, journalists and commentators have been made prophets as what they had prophesied with regard to the weaponisation of the justice department has come to pass. Julie Kelly of American greatness, is a current day oracle whose songs of warning and hymns of sorrow went ignored for far too long and calamity has now befallen the Americans.
It seems that we have had a reset and have been taken back six years to the very start of the Russia Hoax. President Trump is now once more one of the most important figures in politics, if not the most important. An excited, perhaps even dejected public eager to explain away a historic loss of a political titan to a newcomer and showman salivating over morsels of misinformation fed to them by America’s propaganda machine. Unfortunately, these morsels were never anything more than hors d’oeuvres made out of unsatisfying rice cakes. Never meant to fulfil, always meant to leave the public with an appetite for more. Sadly, the more they were fed the more voracious they became. Even though the Russia hoax was shattered into a billion pieces, many Americans were so invested in it the call to reality was never one that woke them up from that fever dream. It simply put them in a state of suspended animation in anticipation of a call to the sea. Undead sailors willing to travel to the world’s end in pursuit of a perverted version of justice. One which seeks to put to death a man, seemingly so that he would tell no more tales. The corruption that plagued the justice department during James Comey’s tenure as the head of the bureau which launched a litany of fake investigations didn’t leave with him. He may have been exorcised from the department but the evil within still remained. Taking up residence in the hall ways of a law enforcement agency that some Americans would like to relegate to museum status. The failure of Bill Bar and special counsel John Durham is now complete. While it seems they had tried to anodise the bureau from any criticism and guilt of wrong doing, their ill devised plan has unleashed a monster that now need not be tamed but rather vanquished once and for all.
The most heartbreaking aspect of the raid on Mar-A-Lago isn’t the overt politicisation of the justice department. It’s the fact that half of Americans are cheerleading this farce out of manufactured spite. Much like woke SJW activists who have made it life’s goal to be offended, many Americans have made it a religion to have a blind hatred for President Trump. Being asked as to why President Trump needed to be arrested, some New Yorkers who had set up a banner emblazoned with a similar calling couldn’t point out what single crime, if any, that Trump should be prosecuted for. There is an unnatural blood lust in the air that almost feels spiritual. Any justification, no matter how ludicrous, will satisfy the conscience of many as they cheerlead the descent of America into a full on banana republic. Ridiculous nonsense about nuclear codes has been leaked to the media via the FBI’s preferred mouth pieces. The same media outlets that previously prostituted their pages and turned themselves into brothels of misinformation, pimped out to corrupt intelligence agency agents. There is a vindictiveness in America’s justice department that has been mixed in with immense immaturity. A similar immaturity that seems to preoccupy the staff at the White House. Machinations of six year olds, such as the blatant falsehoods about past accomplishments or lack thereof, coupled to a state apparatus spells disaster for the world’s greatest nation.

Sooner or later the persecuted will fancy themselves gladiators and their wrath will consume all…The false sense of moral superiority that has seated many high up in the spectator stands will doom them to their destruction as it becomes evident their seating was held up on stilts.
Writing for Breitbart, Joel Pollak has noted the similarities between the political harassment campaigns in America with those of a South Africa his family left behind. He specifically notes the retaliation of President Jacob Zuma on President Thabo Mbeki in the late 2000s that led to the destruction of that great nation’s many institutions. For far too long Americans who lean right on the political spectrum and those who challenge the corruption of the justice department have been under siege. This latest dog and pony show is backing many into a corner where reprisal will soon be seen as the only option. While impeachment articles against Attorney General Merrick Garland have been filed, it will fail. With each subsequent failure of bringing a rogue justice department to heel there will be more and more frustration which may lead to desperation. This may ultimately prove to have been a deadly gamble on the part of the Attorney General. Sooner or later the persecuted will fancy themselves gladiators and their wrath will consume all. While ideological leanings may confer some some protection, sooner or later the persecuted in the arena will realise they have javelins and can exact terrible vengeance. The false sense of moral superiority that has seated many high up in the spectator stands will doom them to their destruction as it becomes evident their seating was held up on stilts. Those in the pit of the arena, for the most part, always had a firm foundation but needed pillars to lean on and rise.
Image credits in order of appearance:Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay; Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay