#SlavaRaytheon #SlavaUkraini
The Tragedy Of The Zelensky Con & The Ukraine Money Laundering Scam
Often with made for television characters, the longer they are on screen, the harder it is to hide flaws in the writing. Visual distractions meant to obfuscate obvious details become telltale signs guiding the eyes of onlookers on what to focus on. The audience starts to notice the frayed hair, the make up and costume design meant to accentuate certain attributes of the character being portrayed. All part of a production. The bigger the budget the more authentic the picture and the more seamless and natural these characters seem at first viewing. Ultimately however, regardless of the best writing and direction, the character falls apart because it is the person portraying the character that matters. From the start of this war, Zelensky has been portrayed as a beleaguered President facing off against his villainous Russian counterpart. His image curated to portray that of a mere mortal gone to battle with the gods of war. In reality, he may have been in bed with them from the very start. The carefully choreographed media pieces and photoshoots always have him dressed in his green garb. A man at work. A man on the frontlines. This may have worked for a time but then even the general public started to notice that much like a character in a film, he doesn’t have a change of clothes. Only his unassuming hero outfit. This is naught more than a costume. A deceitful PR stunt. Then Zelensky broke character. First, it was the demands for censorship of American commentators who questioned prevailing narratives about the war. Then came the demand for nuclear annihilation of Russia without a moments hesitation of the consequences and fallout of a nuclear war. More recently, the blatant and obstinate lying about the Polish missile tragedy where Ukrainian air defence systems had seemingly backfired and taken out two farmers in the Polish country side. This could be overlooked as the emotional outbursts of a leader weighed down by the burden of a failed war effort were it not for the belligerence. I suspect that this painting of a hero had always hidden beneath its canvas the portrait of an alleged war criminal.
The carefully choreographed media pieces and photoshoots always have him dressed in his green garb. A man at work. A man on the frontlines. This may have worked for a time but then even the general public started to notice that much like a character in a film, he doesn’t have a change of clothes.
The media machine in America and in the UK have been in lock and step with the pro-war machine from the very start. Placating the public with feel good propaganda all the while obfuscating the true cost of the war both at home and abroad. There is hardly a difference between conservative and liberal media outlets in America. It does seem that even some in independent media have been roped into this full on propaganda war. For many an American commentator, part of war reporting is parroting whatever misconception about this war is being pushed by America’s propaganda state. Outlets such as the New York Post publish nonsense about Mr. Putin’s bowel movements gleaned from Ukrainian propaganda channels on Telegram. No vetting of the veracity of the information. If it affirms the many caricatures of Putin, it’s fit to print. What goes missing is the staggering human cost on the Ukrainian side. Seemingly victorious last stands to reclaim lost land that feed men as fodder into the canons of war. No peaceful resolution being sought for this once avoidable tragedy in Ukraine. No questions asked about the tens of billions of American tax payer money lost into the ether. No concern about the issues on the home front plaguing the current administration. Only 39% of the Pentagon’s budget worth trillions of dollars can be accounted for after audits. Yet, more money is being used to fuel the furnace of war. Congress recently failed to pass a bill that would have been used to audit the funds flowing out of American coffers into Ukraine. As one former government official had put it, Ukraine has a good return on investment because for only 66 billion dollars(appropriated at the time) Russia’s ambitions can be curtailed. No concern for the wellbeing of Ukrainian nationals or their Russian counterparts. No concern for the rest of us who are suffering the fallout from this ongoing war. To boost morale for this attempted never ending war, media publications across the board have awarded Zelensky numerous Person Of The Year awards. It does seem that there is a concerted effort to turning the Ukrainian tragedy into an award winning play. Once the curtains are raised and most of the world is able to peek behind the veil, will there be shock and horror at the cruelty of war or will media acolytes sweep this titanic failure under the rug like they did with Afghanistan?
Outlets such as the New York Post publish nonsense about Mr. Putin’s bowel movements gleaned from Ukrainian propaganda channels on Telegram. No vetting of the veracity of the information. If it affirms the many caricatures of Putin, it’s fit to print.
Predictions made be military analysts on mainstream media circuits including those of America’s top military brass have largely failed to materialise. What good are analysts whose predictions are always wrong or military leaders who have never won any wars? However, if you are in the business of losing wars and artificially manufacturing others, it makes sense to never get anything right. After all, it can always be fixed next time with more money and more weapons. More worryingly, it is likely that these analysts are dancing to a preselected tune. Some are privately working for defence contractors with a clear conflict of interest that goes unmentioned when they make nightly appearances on their preferred outlets. Not just snake oil sales people but actual snakes. Weapons manufacturers and private defence contractors have been among the largest beneficiaries of this war. Meanwhile, the rest of the world bleeds. Once the dust settles and the fog of war lifts, will there really be anything salvageable of Ukraine? The looming refugee crisis in Europe if the war continues unabated is a ticking time bomb that will have to be addressed sooner or later. Perhaps only then will many open their eyes to the true cost of this war.
Image credits in order of appearance:Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay; Image by Grégory ROOSE from Pixabay
Video companion piece here: