Nurturing A Culture Of Nihilism Pre-Packaged & Sold As Journalism
During an interview I had with one of the national directors of Look Ahead America, I learned that part of the reason why many American leaders had not spoken out about the unfair incarceration of the Capitol Hill rioters was a seeming fear of the media. A fear of being falsely labelled insurrectionists and a fear of being slandered and libelled white nationalists. Potent buzz words in American discourse. Instead, republican lawmakers and other “conservative” leaders have spent the past two years apologising for a riot that was most likely instigated by outside forces. Grovelling for forgiveness from liberal audiences that will never come. All the while, those who supported and even encouraged the anarchy of the 2020 BLM/Antifa riots are yet to offer any apologies over the chaos that ensued. To decry the overt politicisation and partisanship of the media is to cry over spilt milk. That ship set sail eons ago. We are now out in the open waters and more than likely to fall victim to any tempests that arise as a result. Failed kraken lawsuits that never really materialised may have fuelled this monster’s hyper partisanship but at some point it should have run out of gas. Rather than choke on its own fumes, the media has been blowing so much smoke with regard to domestic and international affairs one can’t help but wonder how this hoax factory stays afloat. America and Britain’s apparatchiks seem to have endless reserves of renewable energy that serves as the wind in the sails of a corrupt foreign policy class edging the world ever closer to nuclear annihilation. Yet, they are cheered on with great zeal. Ridiculous media pieces serve as the music sheets to this symphony of chaos as often the media coverage seems to rhyme. An orchestra playing the melodies of what now appears to be orchestrated anarchy.
Failed kraken lawsuits that never really materialised may have fuelled this monster’s hyper partisanship but at some point it should have run out of gas. Rather than choke on its own fumes, the media has been blowing so much smoke with regard to domestic and international affairs one can’t help but wonder how this hoax factory stays afloat.
A few months ago, the twitter handle that goes under the moniker “Libs Of TikTok” exploded in fame and infamy after Taylor Lorenz, then culture journalist for the Washington Post, set out on a mission to do an exposé on the person running the account. What ensued was what appears to be a doxing affair. In response to criticism over the doxing allegations, in a public statement issued to CNN, a senior managing editor at the publication defended Miss Lorenz. This affair is emblematic of the attitude of many within America’s corporate media and to some extent the media apparatus in the UK. It does seem that there is a general belief amongst corporate journalists that the journalism card is a permission slip to libel, slander and beat down anyone who is not inline with prevailing media narratives or is deemed an adversary. Investigative journalist Glenn Greenwald is routinely belittled by members of America’s corporate media who overlook his accomplishments and often attempt to diminish him to playing the role of a mere blogger. It does seem that some sort of Black Death has visited many with corporate journalist credentials. All big media houses ever at risk of contagion. Symptoms include catastrophic short sightedness and a lack of self awareness. The little left behind after this plague has ravaged the minds of many a corporate journalist is miscreants who have had their humanity hollowed out and senses dulled to the needs of others or the consequences of their writing. Frankly, naught more than un-insightful scribblings etched out in fancy typeface yet bereft of substance. The New York Times’ fanciful historical revisionism packaged as the 1619 project comes to mind. However inaccurate, still catastrophic as they help shape the prevailing narrative about current events both within America and globally. USA Today recently removed articles written by one of their now resigned journalists, Gabriela Miranda, who had used fabricated sources to advance narratives on stories she had worked on. While this gesture may be seen as noble on the part of USA Today, how many more journalists and how many more stories within the publication will fall apart under light scrutiny. Hardly do we ever hear of journalists being held to account for falsehoods they help promulgate. To the contrary, the more dedicated some are to a lie the higher they climb up the corporate ladder.
The little left behind after this plague has ravaged the minds of many a corporate journalist is miscreants who have had their humanity hollowed out and senses dulled to the needs of others or the consequences of their writing. Frankly, naught more than un-insightful scribblings etched out in fancy typeface yet bereft of substance.
During a recent OPEC+ press conference, a Reuters journalist was dressed down by Saudi Prince and Minister of Energy over alleged misinformation. Rather than tackling the substance of the claim some media houses ran interference for Reuters framing the exchange as a lack of openness to the Press. It does seem that many international correspondents for Big Media have taken up the arrogance and hubris of their masters in Washington and elsewhere. Foreign leaders nothing more but school children to be admonished for wrong think or having positions that serve their own interests rather than that of America’s national security state. Rather than elevating the quality of discourse over sensitive international matters, it does seem that there has been a denigration, perhaps deliberate, over any meaningful debate to many of these issues. Naturally, these journalists are not only celebrated but shielded from any criticism within their bubbles. A vicious feedback loop has been created and we now have a downward spiral of doom over the quality of journalism. Most of the public is left not only uninformed but also horribly misinformed. Those willing to question the prevailing narratives of the day have moved on elsewhere. Sadly however, the balance of power still remains with big media as they continue to shape how many see the world and even at times successfully shape reality. The failures of the media during the Iraq Weapons of Mass Destruction hoax spring to mind. More recently with the ongoing war, propagating propaganda that seems to have been specifically curated to vie for the affection of western audiences. Demonising one nation all the while white washing the alleged war criminals of another in support of a narrative and an agenda. Ultimately, all of us suffer as innocents get caught in the cross hairs of warring nations.
Image credit in order of appearance: Image par Pandanna Imagen de Pixabay; Image par OpenClipart-Vectors de Pixabay