Musk On, Masks Off
How A Marginally Freer Twitter Is Exposing The American Propaganda State and Disrupting Its Corrupt Censorship Regime
Ever since the prospect of Elon Musk taking over twitter became a reality, the incessant screeching from mainstream media publications has become almost unbearable. It would seem that these priests and priestesses of doom have been holding nightly vigils in attempts to stave off their prophesied mass death from the “muskpocalypse.” These pious charlatans even attempted to abandon ship and swim to the shores of safety in ankle deep water. It’s a small wonder it took them forever to get there, they could have just walked. Their theatrics neatly bottled up in twitter farewells that reeked of intellectual dishonesty. Histrionics on overdrive, their attempts to trigger a mass exodus off the social media platform have been an abysmal failure. Many, having to wade back through an ocean of their own tears decrying the cruelty of our indifference to their shenanigans. Brave explorers who had ventured off to find a new world in places such as Mastodon where they could control the narrative and shape the social fabric of any would be future dwellers of these floundering settlements. Had any of these journalists settled for truth and objectivity, their fealty to America’s national security state wouldn’t have shackled them to the general public’s growing contempt. Having dwelt as landlords and landladies in a feudal system of censorship, their repressive rule is coming to an end. No more big media oligarchies and no more of the fate of many being controlled by the tyrannical whims of a few. As cautious optimism ushers in a new dawn of transparency at twitter, many are bidding farewell to the deceitful mistresses of America’s censorship regime. The caution is warranted. The celebrated Musketeer may not be quite the free speech hero many are hoping him to be. Twitter still fails the Alex Jones test and the recent high profile banning of Ye West off the platform over nonsensical shenanigans is an ill omen that brings with it clouds of doubt billowing over the horizon.
These pious charlatans even attempted to abandon ship and swim to the shores of safety in ankle deep water. Histrionics on overdrive, their attempts to trigger a mass exodus off the social media platform has been an abysmal failure. Many, having to wade back through an ocean of their own tears decrying the cruelty of our indifference to their shenanigans.
With the release of the #twitterfiles, the depth of the rot and decadence that had infected twitter has finally been brought to light. What many suspected to have been going on behind the scenes has now been laid bare for all to see. A small cabal of power crazed individuals had taken it upon themselves to interfere with an election using the world’s most powerful communication platform. Actions that seem to have not been limited to American politics but the politics of different regions around the world. Naturally, America’s national security state hasn’t been too pleased with these latest developments and a litany of attacks political, financial and personal have been unleashed against billionaire Elon Musk. While Mr. Musk should not be free from scrutiny, a lot of the attacks seem to be unwarranted. A failing deep state mechanism lashing out from the abyss and cesspool of corruption in Washington. Senators and congressmen have vowed to have Musk investigated. Shadow campaigns funded by dark money are being used to run advertisers and advertising revenue off twitter. Per a report by Media Matters, the platform has lost approximately fifty percent of its top advertisers. It is rather peculiar that many of these companies had no qualms about advertising on twitter when it had an allegedly rampant child pornography problem. Not to be outdone, the corrupt American media is publishing hit piece after hit piece firing off cannons with the attempts of sinking the “free speech” ship that threatens their very existence. Meanwhile, Sam Bankman Fried is receiving a free pass in spite of having allegedly defrauded many from billions of dollars and been part of the Ukraine money laundering scam.
The greatest triumph of twitter as a social media platform is that it helped democratise journalism. Hoaxes from mainstream media publications such as the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Associated Press and others could be dismantled in real time. Controlling the flow of information on twitter thus gave unprecedented power to whoever controlled the platform. When investigative journalist Glenn Greenwald was working on the Snowden files he chose to co-release the trove of documents that exposed American government corruption with mainstream media outlets. The primary reason for this is that, for many, publication in these esteemed pages lent credence to the claims and allegations being made. In a cruel twist of irony, the release of the #twitterfiles has been done via agency of independent journalist Matt Taibbi. The fact that Elon Musk skipped over corporate media mouth pieces and chose to confide in an outside voice elevates and validates independent journalism for many. It also helps drive a stake through Washington’s heart of darkness that is corporate journalism. Not too pleased with this turn of events, rather than engage with the information being presented by challenging and analysing it, corporate media hacks such as Ben Collins of NBC have chosen to defame the character of Taibbi. It simply is not enough to impale the corpse of corporate journalism where it lays writhing in agony. This undying monstrosity has to be set alight and its ashes scattered into the nether realm. For too long the public’s trust has been engaged in Mortal Kombat with the litany of hoaxes published by main stream media outlets. The plummeting trust levels in media have long since broached the subzero mark.

Who could have predicted that AOC’s attendance at the Met gala, in a white dress adorned with blood red lettering, was foreshadowing this most joyous of occasions. For some, it invoked powerful imagery of La Llorona that was taxing even on the rich.
On a lighter note, a marginally freer twitter has pumped more liquidity into the meme economy. The internet’s meme masters have been attempting to orchestrate a wedding between the billionaire and squad scream queen, congress woman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez. Who could have predicted that AOC’s attendance at the Met gala, in a white dress adorned with blood red lettering, was foreshadowing this most joyous of occasions. For some at the time, her appearance had invoked powerful imagery of La Llorona that was taxing even on the rich. While Elon Musk has intimated that the purchase of twitter was altruistic and necessary for the good of all mankind, healthy skepticism is warranted. He has already failed in his free speech promise. Additionally, even though the release of the #twitterfiles has been a most illuminating affair, it does seem that some information is being held back especially with regard to government mandated censorship requests to the tech giant.
Image credit in order of appearance: Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay; Image by Enrique Meseguer from Pixabay