For The Good Of Democracy, A Pill Most Bitter
Earlier this year, Time magazine published an article that detailed ways in which various private and public entities had worked in tandem, according to the author, to save Democracy from former American President Donald J.Trump. The author listed a variety of ways these entities had used to accomplish this most noble of causes. There was the scheme to push for mail-in-ballot voting across vast swathes of America, changing of voter laws to stave off supposed voter suppression and wielding of the might of Big Tech companies like a hammer against anyone who dared question their gallantry. According to the author, this had been a mammoth task. An undertaking that had taken over a year to plan and execute. This was a plan to protect America and in essence democracy from another Trump term. After all, it would seem that to them the former President was an anomaly. An unusual member of the citizenry. A kin of Cain. The irony may have been lost on said co-conspirators but it wasn’t lost on many Americans and other onlookers. This group had effectively worked to ensure an uncertain election outcome and undermine public confidence in the results of what was going to be a hotly contested election. These self appointed heroes helped destroy the legitimacy or at least the appearance of legitimacy of the 2020 Presidential election.
This was a plan to protect America and in essence democracy from another Trump term. After all, it would seem that to them the former President was an anomaly. An unusual member of the citizenry. A kin of Cain.
Last year, when the scheme to expand mail-in-ballot voting across the entirety of the United States was being enacted, many smelled blood in the water. To clarify, these aren’t the same as Absentee ballots which have to be requested in advance and are only issued under special circumstances. These were standard ballots that were mailed out to voters en masse, many of whom had not requested them. In essence, states went through their registered voter rolls and mailed ballots to people on these rolls. Some of these rolls had not been cleaned up and contained names of people who were either dead or had changed residence or for one reason or another were ineligible to vote. Former American ambassador to Germany and acting Director of National Intelligence, Richard Grenell, received mail-in-ballots for previous occupants at his residence who had long been dead. He earned an immediate suspension for posting pictures of these on Twitter. His crime, spreading alleged election misinformation about the security of the mail-in-ballot process. This experience wasn’t unique to him. These were early warning signs that something was afoot yet they were conveniently ignored. Discussion of the preponderance of mail-in-ballots in places where they should have not been on social media often earned users a swift suspension.
Unfortunately, there are questions that still persist for many. To close the door to a furnace doesn’t temper the heat. It causes the fire to rise. Swathes of the American citizenry still question, and rightfully so, the outcome of last year’s election. Driving them underground has further lent credence to their notion that the outcome of last year’s election was illegitimate.
The Presidential elections came and went and in spite of all the controversy with it came a new inhabitant at the White House. Questions about the legitimacy of the election and its outcome became verboten on social media especially after the capital hill riots on January 6th. An event that many in the main stream media and some politicians decried as an insurrection. For regular observers, this was the world’s most peculiar insurrection. It lacked all the usual hallmarks of an insurrection: no military occupation, no coordinated planning, no weapons present on site, no forced ouster of current leaders, no bloodshed(apart from the tragic loss of one of the rioters, Ashli Babbit) and for a leader, a man dressed up as an American buffalo. In spite of these peculiarities, most in the main stream media have pressed on with the usage of this disingenuous term. To say it is a disservice to the people of Burma who have recently gone through an actual insurrection is an understatement. Not to mention those who actually live in countries that have experienced political violence in the recent past. Nonetheless, the common usage of the term for the January 6th riots served its purpose: Silencing any talk of last year’s election outcome on social media. Unfortunately, there are questions that still persist for many. To close the door to a furnace doesn’t temper the heat. It causes the fire to rise. Swathes of the American citizenry still question, and rightfully so, the outcome of last year’s election. Driving them underground has further lent credence to their notion that the outcome of last year’s election was illegitimate. Rather than encouraging conversation and debate about the election on public platforms where Americans may either have their fears dispelled or confirmed, these conversations have been relegated to alt-tech platforms where there may not necessarily be much of a diversity of opinion with regard to politics. There may be nuance, but sadly not much diversity.
China, in spite of its known human rights abuses and its key role in the spread of the CCP virus pandemic, was able to score moral victories against the American government during the Sino-American summit earlier this year. Of course, this wasn’t a feat they accomplished on their own. They were lent a helping hand from an American government that has resumed its self deprecation tours on the international stage.
In approximately 100 days after the new administration took over, the Middle East was on fire again. Israel and Palestine are back at war after 4 years of relative peace. The Russian government has finally received a free pass with its Nord Stream 2 pipeline as American sanctions against companies and countries participating in the project have been dropped. Russia, after languishing in irrelevance for years, seems to be on the rise again as a formidable player on the global stage. Former President Obama’s policy of paying off governments that fund terrorism is back in full swing. China, in spite of its known human rights abuses and its key role in the spread of the CCP virus pandemic, was able to score moral victories against the American government during the Sino-American summit earlier this year. Of course, this wasn’t a feat they accomplished on their own. They were lent a helping hand from an American government that has resumed its self deprecation tours on the international stage. There is a new secretary of health who refused to rule out the use of gender transition surgeries and procedures on children. The American military is actively involved in politics. An arena that the great men and women who serve their great country with honour have wisely been kept out of in spite of whoever or whatever party was in power. It would seem that this is the America that the co-conspirators in Time magazine’s article were after. The America of old. An America where freedom of speech is curtailed for the supposed good of democracy. An America where the President of the country can insert his opinions in an ongoing judicial matter and arguably influence the outcome of a trial he has no business commenting on because of his office and the power it holds.
I have seen first hand a country built over decades almost wiped out in a few weeks. I have also seen the effects of government decadence and malpractice from decades ago spread ripples across time that have and are crippling a country’s productivity.
Dwelling in alt-tech platforms, there seems to be a restlessness that has gripped some Americans. A growing dissatisfaction over the handling and direction of the country at present but also great distrust of elected officials and office holders. While this is to be expected when any new administration takes over this does seem to be different. It is almost as if the citizenry has been galvanised to actively be involved in pursuing the change they want to see. Groups such as Look Ahead America, headed by Matt Braynard, have risen from the ashes of incompetence, perhaps wilful, of one of the political parties in the handling of last year’s election. Lawyers have teamed under the banner of America First legal and are already taking the new administration to task over ideological encroachment of constitutional matters. However, one can’t help but wonder if this will be enough. I have seen first hand a country built over decades almost wiped out in a few weeks. I have also seen the effects of government decadence and malpractice from decades ago spread ripples across time that have and are crippling a country’s productivity. Losses in the tens of millions of dollars per day as a relatively developed country battles to keep its lights on. America’s saving grace is its sprawling infrastructure across all sectors of industry and its robust constitution if and when followed. In my opinion, take these away and the country will be left to the whims of fickle men.

Personally, the most bitter of pills, was not having another Trump term. Another four years where the meme makers would have served up a steady supply of memes in honour and in criticism of the President to the amusement of many. Perhaps more of us would have dipped our beaks at the bar he was tending.
Personally, the most bitter of pills, was not having another Trump term. Another four years where the meme makers would have served up a steady supply of memes in honour and in criticism of the President to the amusement of many. Perhaps more of us would have dipped our beaks at the bar he was tending. Rounds of drinks as American prosperity reached new heights. I sorely miss the round tables at the White House. Round tables that were aired internationally to show others that the American government works for its people. Not the other way around. An America that is great is an America that is beneficial to the world. An America that is great is one that holds China’s imperialist ambitions at bay because no other country will. It would seem for now that the CCP will continue carving up more of the planet for themselves and at the expense of the rest of the world and their own. Last year’s election fiasco humbled me greatly. All the safeguards that had been put in place failed. Politicians failed their voters and so did the judicial system. This was a stark reminder that my citizenship will always be of another country. Not one governed by politics or men. Be that as it may, it has been encouraging dwelling in the trenches with dejected Americans. Hopefully, as I spend more time with the locals, I’ll have more of myself to give. Service is always to those in need first, then to others.
Image credits in order of appearance: Image par Gordon Johnson de Pixabay; Image par agoss de Pixabay