Death Of A Current Day Caesar, By A Current Day Brutus
Late last year, the American ambassador to South Africa levelled accusations against the South African government alleging that the latter had been supplying arms to the Russian government. Ambassador Reuben Brigety went on to claim that he would stake his life on the claim. Putting aside the ensuing backlash that followed, the hubris required to make such a statement was very telling. Americans and Europeans may have fallen for the pro-war propaganda flowing out of Brussels, Washington and London but for many the accusation was steeped in logical fallacy. Even without the vehement denials of the South African government the central claim was absurd. Why would the second largest arms manufacturer on the planet be begging for weapons from a country which is struggling to keep its lights on. Similar claims had been made before by American officials with regard to North Korea and China but without a scintilla of evidence. Iran seems to be the only country to have been involved in any sort of arms trade pertaining to the current war in Eastern Europe. Supplying its drones in exchange for other goods and services. A relationship born out of necessity as America’s sanctions have crippled the Iranian economy. These erratic and irrational statements made by America’s foreign policy class elites haven’t gone unnoticed. The repugnant attitude of being untouchable has worked up quite a stench. The message being sent out is clear: Support America’s foreign policy class’ decisions or face annihilation or to put it subtly, accept our protection and trade racket or else . A message received albeit too late by Pakistan’s now deposed Prime Minister Imran Khan.

Once tolerable differences have become unbearable and to have a different set of beliefs marks one as the other’s mortal enemy. Corruption has thus found a nesting place and thrived through this division.
While there has been much talk about the collapse of US hegemony, its impending collapse seems to have been overhyped. The world runs on Euro-Dollars and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. While many Americans believe that America as a nation has some sort of moral high ground in need of perseveration, America lost this high ground shortly after V-Day. The ominous reality of wars for profits dawned on Dwight Eisenhower yet his forewarning to then future generations has proven futile. Every American led war since then has been based on a scam. Having run out of places to wield terror abroad the American regime has turned its gaze inwards. Running harassment campaigns against the regime’s enemies on homeland soil. It is however surprising to note that this is done with the support of many Americans. While some of this support can be chalked off to the relentless propaganda campaigns run against perceived enemies by the corporate media, a lot of it seems to be organic. Like any other nation, America has always been deeply fractured along ideological lines. However, the media and ruling class found ways of exploiting what were once acceptable differences and amplifying the intensity of divisions. Once tolerable differences have become unbearable and to have a different set of beliefs marks one as the other’s mortal enemy. Corruption has thus found a nesting place and thrived through this division. The populace is kept angry on a perpetual hysteria train-ride with stops few and far in-between. Every day some new evil is wielded against some segment of the populace while those meant to keep this evil in check respond with meaningless twitter soliloquy that accomplishes nothing other than fill the populace with despair.

The addiction to war has become self-destructive and the addict can no longer cover up the needle marks with makeup. In turn, they’ve turned others into addicts.
America appears to be an empire in its death throes. A Rome collapsing from within. In history, often one great power was replaced by another as its glory days faded into darkness. As one ebbed away from existence another materialised to take its place. Some weaker, others stronger yet one always in power. We seem to be at a juncture in history where endless conquest is no longer a viable option. Even emperors run out of places to conquer. America’s reckless and criminal foreign policy class has done irreparable damage to America’s standing abroad. Propaganda will no longer be a quick fix for actions taken in hubris. Ultimately, the only solution will be coercion but even that has its limits. The addiction to war has become self-destructive and the addict can no longer cover up the needle marks with makeup. In turn, they’ve turned others into addicts. The American security state is a current day Julius Caesar. A behemoth that crushes everything in its path and a seemingly almost unstoppable force. But for every Caesar there is a Brutus lying in wait. In this instance it will be the over extension of the security state and its agents. Death by its own hands, drowning in a pool of blood drawn from its own machinations.
Image credits in order of appearance: Image by Oberholster Venita from Pixabay; Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay
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