Opportunism tends to thrive in an explosion of chaos. Some opportunists use the chaos as cover for profiteering, others use it as fuel to sow seeds of anarchy. Across America’s open southern border, coyotes, Mexico’s infamous human traffickers smuggle would be illegal immigrants across the border. Seemingly beckoned on by a de facto open border policy and the allure of financial prosperity. The coyotes serve as a blood stream for the Americas. Distributing seemingly tainted blood from far off sources and haemorrhaging it all over the southern border. Injecting fresh blood into the southern border communities at an alarming rate. Sadly, some of it coagulates en route to its final destination and is dumped off via open sores as is evidenced by horror stories of human trafficking all too familiar with the advent of illegal immigration. Yet, nothing stems the flow. This wicked heart keeps beating. Pumping more and more blood farther along. Kept alive on steroids from the Whitehouse’s medicine cabinet, Alejandro Mayorkas serving as the attending physician.
In abdicating his responsibilities as Secretary of Homeland Security, Mayorkas has transformed himself into the chief coyote. As tales of immigrant terror proliferate in Europe, many in America are fearful of the resulting demographic change. American tax payer dollars are being micturated away on those who entered the country illegally. Open rewards for the lawless while ordinary Americans hardly get any scraps. This has led to a rise in bitterness in some and an increase in animosity towards immigrants, even those who make it across the border via the correct legal channels. It may not be the case but at times it does seem that mass illegal immigration was a concoction of devious minds to create a permanently divided society. By opening the floodgates of unchecked immigration more than just people are smuggled over. It’s a mass importation of culture and subculture, hopes and dreams, ambitions and faith, desperation and criminality all within a short space of time. All of which breed resentment in the local populace. In some more than others.
This wicked heart keeps beating. Pumping more and more blood farther along. Kept alive on steroids from the Whitehouse’s medicine cabinet, Alejandro Mayorkas serving as the attending physician.
While there are legitimate concerns over unchecked immigration and even lax laws on legal migration, some have used the bad acts of others as a cloak to justify their own ethnonationalist ideals. Ignorance fuelled by a misunderstanding of subcultures and criminality. A mistaken belief that infused in ethnicity are microscopic capsules that rapture as one ages turning portions of humanity into feral beasts. Uncanny creatures incapable of reason or independent thought driven by only carnal instincts and a desire to pillage and destroy. Immigrant crimes on the rise a confirmation to the ethnonationalists that they are superior beings, unafflicted by the tyranny of poverty and desperation. In reality, they are worse beasts as they claim the accomplishments of others as their own. Gregarious animals in constant pursuit of company to share in their misery. Finding a lack of sympathy for their ideals, they traffic hateful rhetoric into free speech safe havens vomiting their bile onto anyone who would care to listen. Decrying crimes across the ocean as personal grievances and attacks against their particular ethnic group. Donning a victimhood mentality, they show themselves no different to the most unhinged of Black Lives Matter acolytes who perceive racism in everyone and everything but themselves. Unfortunately for them, applications to the oppression olympics are closed off to only but a select group who align with prevailing government narratives. While it does seem that concerted efforts have been made to start off their own version of the sport, these are at best limited to the underground scene. It is doubtful they will ever break into mainstream arenas.
Legitimate grievances giving birth to bitterness which in turn possesses many a soul. A cathedral full of broken men humming along to hymnals of self pity.
The rise of commercialised misandry as evidenced by the M-She-U has led to a rise in yet another class of victims. Better bachelors free from the constraints of having women in their lives. Han Solos capable of making the Kessel run in under twelve parsecs. Smuggling all manner of emotions and misogyny onto the inter-webs. Huddling around internet campfires in many a comment section swapping manly tales around the evils of third wave feminism. In essence morphing into the very thing they despise. Legitimate grievances giving birth to bitterness which in turn possesses many a soul. A cathedral full of broken men humming along to hymnals of self pity. Regular uploads to YouTube channels keeping these vile sentiments alive. Rather than looking away and looking forward and upwards some keep glaring into the abyss of feminism not realising that each time they leave portions of themselves behind. Hollowing themselves out as they mock the lives of the hollow women they see in this black mirror. While each episode may be part of an anthology series, the prevailing theme in each is always the same. Entranced by the prevalent horror stories, many don’t realise that there is so much more to life than this sliver of reality. After all women are human and to be human is to err. None are free from this curse. Victimhood is a communicable disease that none of us are truly immune to. It offers comfort in self pity and a sense of power when others acknowledge our new found victim status.
With the ongoing war between Israel and Palestine prominent Americans have lifted up their voices to cheerlead the censorship of views they find abhorrent. All pretence of free speech absolutism has fallen to the way side as their purported ideals have been used to ferry ideas they find repugnant across state lines. To be critical of the IDFs mishandling of the war on the ground in Gaza is to be anti-semitic. To repeat phrases such as “from the river to the sea Palestine will be free” is deemed a de facto call for genocide. To criticise the ideology of Zionism, as decreed by the American congress this past week, is to be antisemitic. Free speech is the bedrock of a free society. To chip away at it each time we feel uncomfortable is to slowly usher in tyranny. Bad speech will always be cancelled out by free speech. Abhorrent, impracticable ideas fall apart while truth endures. Truth can not be communicated in a void of repressed lies lest it becomes relative. In a sea of ideas truth shines like a beacon drawing all to it. A lighthouse set on a firm foundation. Sadly the allure of victimhood in times of crises seems to trounce all else. A self subjected life sentence that keeps us locked up with the dregs of society eventually turning us into the very hardened criminals we despise.
Image credits in order of appearance: Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay; Image by Square Frog from Pixabay; Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay