America’s Arsonists’ Club
In June this year news broke of former advisor to President Trump, Peter Navarro, being dragged off in shackles to a jail cell on charges of contempt of congress. Per Navarro, he lives right next door to the FBI field office in Washington DC. Little doubt is left as to whether the arrest could have been handled without the theatrics. This past Friday Politico reported that the judge overseeing the case had questioned the FBI’s antics in his arrest. Navarro has been indicted on federal charges and not criminal charges. The over the top handing of the elderly Navarro reeks of targeted political persecution with overzealous prosecutors discharging their duties with religious fervour. Meanwhile, the infamous Ray Epps has received a glowing profile from the New York Times in defence of his participation in the January 6th Capitol Hill Riot. If the truth about the scope and scale of FBI involvement in the Capitol Riot is a grenade, Epps seems to be the proverbial pin holding it all together. Washington DC seems to be a City with two tales. For some individuals with certain political persuasions it’s always winter and never Christmas. For others, the sun shines so brightly it blinds even lady justice to equality under the law. Men who are suspect have juries paint portraits of civility over their criminal patch work. These are then air brushed by a willing and culpable media as pristine odes to Michael Angelo’s sistine chapel artwork. Meanwhile, American law makers and leaders remain mum over the harassment campaign being run by the Department of Justice against anyone even tangentially related to the Capitol Riot. Many a lawmaker and television pundit has claimed that the riot was an attempt to overthrow democracy and reduce America to rubble. In reality, by promulgating this scam on the American people and the world at large they’ve strapped propane tanks to their backs and taken a flame thrower to due process and America’s robust constitution.

Washington DC seems to be a City with two tales. For some individuals with certain political persuasions it’s always winter and never Christmas. For others, the sun shines so brightly it blinds even lady justice to equality under the law.
After the collapse of the Russia Hoax narrative, with the publishing of Robert Mueller’s findings and subsequent Horowitz report which revealed the depth of the rot and decadence in the Justice Department, there are yet to be meaningful convictions of the key players. After what seemed to be one more nail in the coffin for this hoax, Matt A. Mayer, a former senior official at the Department of Homeland Security under former President Bush (42) penned an open letter imploring the latter to publicly denounce the hoax for the sake of America and its citizens. That plea must have fallen on deaf ears because George Bush is yet to publicly comment on the implosion of the hoax. Perhaps a tacit admission of his approval of the scam which was propagated and perpetuated by some former and current officials who served under him. Matt warned of the increasing distrust of institutions by the American public. Lack of trust in the government, its leadership and institutions raises significant hurdles in in their mandate to govern as they are seen as illegitimate.
Human nature tends to be similar regardless of whether the Himalayas or the Rocky Mountains form part of one’s backyard. We despise that which we think is not worthy of us. Differences naturally split us into teams and internally in our thoughts and emotions we check off that which in our particular assigned group makes us superior in opposition to others we deem lesser beings. This is evident from something as innocuous as the console wars where alliances are formed and non verbal agreements brokered over consumer merchandise. It is also evident in things as serious as a response to government overreach at the height of a pandemic. In America and other non-African, non-Asian regions of the world where tribal affiliations and lineage were long buried in antiquity, some have sought to create new tribes based on ideology. Of course, they’ve nominated themselves the heads of these newly formed tribes leading the charge against some perceived injustice. Alan Dershowitz, a one time criminal defence lawyer for convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and defence lawyer for former President Trump during the first sham impeachment, recently published a letter from one of his readers who alleged he had been sucker punched for simply reading a copy of one of Dershowitz’s books on a public beach. Partisan politicians and their allies in America’s corporate main stream media have created an environment where a segment of the populace has been led to believe that violence and other forms of hate are a justifiable means to quell dissent. Witch trials have now been popularised not only in the media but through kangaroo courts in DC where jurors and judges alike forget to look for the devil in the details but rather dance with him in the pale light of the moon.
The young Biden’s indiscretions, while his own, become of significance when they implicate the current inhabitant of the White House in potentially criminal activity.
In the lead up to the 2020 election Presidential election, corporate main stream media in partnership with Big Tech were quick to clamp down on any suggestion that mail in ballot voting was not only insecure but rife for manipulation. Absentee ballots, which military personnel and other Americans living abroad or away from their home states use, were conflated with the concept of mail in ballots which had little to no security checks with regard to chain of custody and security of the vote being cast. When disputes over the outcome of the election were aired, the election was quickly coronated as the most secure in history. A crown jewel among past American elections in spite of numerous irregularities. Fast forward to present day America and between 52-59% of Americans believe that cheating likely affected the outcome of the election. To add insult to injury there is the mollycoddling of Hunter and Joe Biden by the corporate main stream media. From the infamous laptop to his now alleged hacked cellphone. The young Biden’s indiscretions, while his own, become of significance when they implicate the current inhabitant of the White House in potentially criminal activity. The older Biden’s declining mental health while now evident was carefully hidden by the media for years.

When damning evidence and facts are shrugged off by a complicit media as not being worthy of their time, and fake realities magicked out of thin air, the consequence is that bad actors act with impunity. Perhaps, to some in America’s foreign policy class this is all a game. However, the fall out from their bad decision making in the middle east and eastern Europe may have all of us scrambling for nuclear bunkers in the near future. A recent Rasmussen poll found that a majority of Americans do not support the compromise of Ukraine giving up some of its land in exchange for a peace deal in the ongoing conflict with Russia in Eastern Europe. One has to wonder if Americans are aware that a significant segment of Ukraine’s populace comprises of native Russian speakers. It does seem that not many Americans are cognisant of the fact that there was an American sponsored coup in Ukraine in 2014 which some have speculated was the start of this ongoing war. In a segment with CNN host Jake Tapper, John Bolton, former national security advisor to Trump, recently admitted to taking part in coup plotting in foreign countries. The Washington Post decried this unfortunate slip as being a hindrance to America’s foreign policy goals.
Arsonists revel in their work of destruction. Natasha Bertrand, Nicole Wallace and many more received promotions and recognition amongst their kin for the lies they helped spread. Dirty cops Comey, Brennan, Clapper, the hoax-crossed lovers and the rest of that gang were and are treated with admiration because the media lauded them. Former Presidents who never rose above pettiness are seemingly content in burning down the entire village to smoke out a perceived despot. Different classes of arsonists, all burning down America and subsequently the world. However, sooner or later, the fire consumes all. It has no masters and offers fealty to no man. Not even those who sparked the first flames. Rather than seek to control already raging fires, let us limit the scope of its path and cut off the fuel supply to the arsonists’ flame throwers.