A Theory From Chaos
Approximately 6 years ago, an unassuming young man by the name of Daniel took it upon himself to assist two strangers caught in a moment of crisis. One assailant, two strangers in need of help and a heroic youth. Unfortunately, the assistance proffered led to his untimely death. A moment of chaos for all involved. Tragedy, ever fate’s cruel knife cut through the silence of a still night sending ripples forth in time. From his death, purpose was born and hope enshrined into this fateful day. Perhaps premature but not a still birth. The DUKKS Foundation was formed in commemoration of Daniel. A perpetual mourning of young love lost but also an eternal celebration of what that love meant. Daniel may have a been a casualty of the devastating effects of poverty and desperation in the lives of others but his life and eventual demise served as a causal event. Kindness even in grief, generosity even in mourning. A sort of butterfly effect.
The DUKKS Foundation seeks to transform the lives of those who are less fortunate by helping those who are helping them. Helpers to the helpers. Through the various projects we’ve been able to get involved with, in partnership with all of you, we do hope that many are able to to break free from the shackles of poverty. To find purpose in life, joy in living it and to be an inspiration to all. Daniel inspired us to help others and to uplift the lives of as many as possible. May the flames of the fire he started never be extinguished, only passed on.
Find out more about us and how you can help here.
Image credits in order of appearance:Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay; Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay