A Priesthood For Wokeness: How To Set Up A False Religion in 4 Easy Steps
False religions often have similar things in common. A pseudo religious text that really is an amalgam of different plagiarised ideas cut and pasted and then mixed in with seemingly fresh doctrines. A priesthood whose ascendency is dependant on status of societal elitism but has nothing to do with internal ideology. Laymen, or as I would refer to most of them, true believers who are mainly comprised of normal everyday men and women. A complicated set of rules whose internal logic has no consistency and often changes depending on what is most expedient at that moment. Easy access to membership but a high cost of exit. A purported new path to enlightenment that will lead to the betterment of humanity for all mankind. Finally, religious jargon which is often just regular words whose meanings have been twisted beyond recognition. Wokeness isn’t a newly found religion. It’s an old one that has simply been repurposed and retooled to meet current societal pressures and what is politically expedient. The only difference is how pervasive its reach is. This catechism of doom seems to have found its champions in unusual places. Members of its priesthood extend from the lowliest union teacher to those in the highest ranks within the American government. They say it loud and they say it proud.

This catechism of doom seems to have found its champions in unusual places. Members of its priesthood extend from the lowliest union teacher to those in the highest ranks within the American government.
Step 1, Finding a religious text. It would seem elementary but the key to establishing a false religion is to find a text which collates the general thoughts and opinions of a particular segment of the citizenry and wraps it up in a neat package. It is particularly useful if there is some pseudo-intellectualism layered in to make the material seem scholarly. In reality, of course this is bunk nonsense dressed up in clever jargon. Ibram X. Kendi’s and Robin DiAngelo’s celebrated works have been a good starting point for the false religion of Wokeness. These two high priests have had their bile spread far and wide through adoption of principles and ideas they have popularised through their writings. These “sacred texts” have made it as far up the food chain as recommended reading for the American military. A closer examination of some of the ideas prevalent in these books would reveal not just inherent racism but a hatred for one ethnicity over the other. I’m willing to posit that there is perhaps even self hatred as the authors seem to enjoy wallowing in the mire of victimhood. This being said, to some, being covered in the mud and filth of identity politics isn’t a punishment but rather a well deserved spa treatment. As ordinary observers look on in horror, the laymen and priests of this religion dive in head first. Pulled in by hymns about systemic racism carolled by the two sirens, Kendi & DiAngelo. Drawing them ever closer to the epicentre of this evil not knowing that the capricious rocks of reality will bash them to pieces. Stripping them of their dignity, self respect and even more worryingly, their humanity.

As ordinary observers look on in horror, the laymen and priests of this religion dive in head first. Pulled in by hymns about systemic racism carolled by the two sirens, Kendi & DiAngelo. Drawing them ever closer to the epicentre of this evil not knowing that the capricious rocks of reality will bash them to pieces.
Made up religious texts, in this case White Fragility(DiAngelo) & How To Be An Antiracist(Kendi), seem to provide cover for a sprawling mess of ideas that may have originally been well meaning but were horribly misinformed. To be very clear, I have no ill will towards either of these two authors. Personally, I feel that they are but two human beings in very dark places whose celebrity status has allowed them to proliferate the darkness that has consumed them to others. In some sense, it does seem cruel that their greatest champions are also their greatest captors. Keeping them beholden to these lies and the dangerous ideologies they adhere to. Two high priests who are being kept captive under the guise of acknowledgement and recognition by some who have most likely never ventured to peer into the first few pages of their writings. Perhaps to them it seems like a win-win situation. However, sooner or later, this religion will fall apart. I’m willing to posit that the fault will not be in its stars but rather its adherents. These two may have risen in fame but they will crash down in infamy leaving an indelible and dark mark in history.
Step 2, Establishing a priesthood. The loudest champions of this religion for what seemed like eons were American celebrities. Men and women who were comfortable venturing into the public sphere of conversation and unabashedly gushing out their ignorance. LeBron James, whose twitter moniker crowns him a King, has had a propensity for commenting and inserting himself and his ignorance into situations he isn’t fully informed about. When the American main stream media machine has churned out lies about police shootings in America, LeBron James has been quick to comment and assert his influence and weight to the consternation of many. Often, his assessments are wrong, seemingly based on the partial information and often half truths being spun by the corporate media machine for ratings. A recent example would be the shooting of Jacob Blake, an armed civilian who directly disobeyed police orders and ended up being shot several times. The main stream American media were quick to report that another unarmed black man had been taken down by American police brutality. In reality, Jacob Blake was armed and dangerous. Something that the District Attorney Michael D. Gravely concluded from evidence gathered at the scene. The police weren’t there as tourists. They were responding to a call about domestic violence from Laquisha Booker, Jacob Blake’s ex-girlfriend and mother to his children. Jacob Blake had a felony warrant out for his arrest and had just allegedly threatened to take his ex-Girlfriend’s rental car and crash it. The felony warrant included charges of domestic abuse and sexual assault. Facts that were surprisingly absent from main stream media reporting at the time.
When the American main stream media machine has churned out lies about police shootings in America, LeBron James has been quick to comment and assert his influence and weight to the consternation of many. Often, his assessments are wrong, seemingly based on the partial information and often half truths being spun by the corporate media machine for ratings.
Not to be left out of the milieu, Washington politicians are also part of this unholy priesthood. They publicly knelt in solidarity with Jacob Blake and in opposition to the brave men and women who attended the police call to diffuse a volatile situation involving Mr. Blake. To them of course, this was all political theatre. It would seem that this was done just to pander to a certain demographic in the midst of an election year. Earlier this year Representative Maxine Waters crossed state lines to allegedly incite a crowd to “take to the streets” if Derek Chauvin wasn’t convicted for the death of George Floyd in a highly politicised trial. It is important to note that Representative Waters happens to live in one of Southern California’s wealthiest neighbourhoods. She would have not been affected by any rioting that may have taken place. Meanwhile, the district she’s meant to be representing lies in ruin and decadence as crime and criminality run rampant. Maxine Waters, who has been a vocal proponent for the defund the police movement, on her trip across state lines was flanked by two Federal Air Marshalls. She had the protection of security experts provided by Federal Law Enforcement. The residents in the neighbourhood she was visiting did not.
Step 3, Indoctrinating the public. The best way to spread a false religion far and wide is to enlist the help of the general public. Manipulate the emotions of ordinary men and women by laying a guilt trip on them for perceived “privilege” and recruiting them as foot soldiers on fictional wars, albeit with real consequences, against supposed systemic racism. This being said, some members of the public who are in lock and step with the woke movement aren’t doing so out of religious zealotry. Basic powers of deduction and reasoning will reveal flaws in woke ideology. However, it also reveals the advantages of being seen as part of the woke crowd. This could be in the form of societal acceptance or more nefariously better positioning in terms of societal status. To many though, this is a way of looking for penance and righteousness for perceived wrong doing. What makes Wokeness so insidious is that it doesn’t bequeath true righteousness to the true believers. Rather, it robs them of their dignity and humanity. We see this today as videos of people of caucasian ethnicity repenting of their « whiteness », kneeling before people of black ethnicity to ask for forgiveness abound. All the while those who are outside this hateful religion, those who have a modicum of common sense, see that many are turning their purported victimhood into a weapon for subjugation.
The best way this religion of Wokeness is being spread is through corporate entities. Firing up your favourite film and television subscription service or even preferred video game console online store front, one is at times confronted by messages of social justice being plastered across digital banners across the screens of their devices. Like televangelists late night show hosts drum to this beat as do anchors of news networks who traditionally have been free from political and or ideological bias. In promoting racial equity as opposed to equality, award shows, HR branches of companies up to and including the CIA have shifted the focus from merit and achievement to trying to meet the ends of social justice. Brow beating, chest thumping woke CEOs bask in false glory as their ideological posturing destroys their once great companies in the name of Wokeness. Whether they are priests, laymen or those pulling the strings of the priests remains to be seen. They may even be true believers who have been enslaved to this ideology in an attempt to find righteousness. Sadly the only kind they found was self-righteousness which is of little to no benefit to humanity.
Brow beating, chest thumping woke CEOs bask in false glory as their ideological posturing destroys their once great companies in the name of Wokeness.

Step 4, Establishing a lexicon. Terms such as “safe space”, “micro-aggression”, “systemic racism”, “inherent/implicit bias “, “toxic masculinity”, “mansplaining” amongst others seem to have waded into the pool of public discourse over the last few years. Often these words seem harmless and even mundane but they carry immense ideological weight. Words such as safe space seem benign. Drawing a surface conclusion this would seem to mean a place where one would feel safe from oppression. However, digging deeper into this term we discover its outright deceit. Often, this is a term used by seemingly Mal-adjusted individuals who use it to practice their tyranny over public discourse. Recently, Elon Musk was invited to do a skit on Saturday Night Live. It was reported that some of the employees had requested to be harboured in a safe space because his presence would have been too much for them to handle. These are grown adults acting like 3 year old children seeking refuge from the monsters underneath their beds. In reality of course, in a sad but ironic twist of fate it would appear that they are the monsters and the public needs protection from them. This term has been wielded like a sledge hammer and is devastatingly effective. Here, its usage smeared Elon Musk as some sort of mythical Medusa whose ideology is so extreme that to tune into that particular broadcast would have exposed the public to dangerous ideas. It also served to smear him as an oppressor. In my opinion, the trick here was to turn people away from either him or whatever message he had to pass on via his skit.
These are grown adults acting like 3 year old children seeking refuge from the monsters underneath their beds. In reality of course, in a sad but ironic twist of fate it would appear that they are the monsters and the public needs protection from them.
The insidious nature of Wokeness has made it even the more dangerous. Sadly, some within the Christian faith have fallen victim to the falsehoods of this hateful doctrine hook, line and sinker. It’s allure is that it seeks to redress past hurts and seeks to bring about societal change. For Christians in particular, this should be a warning flag because Jesus himself said that we will always have the poor with us. This wasn’t merely an observation but a prophecy. This ideology seeks to elevate skin colour and ethnicity as identity. In reality for Christians, identity begins and ends with Christ. Not culture, tongue or nation. This hateful ideology teaches that different ethnicities are evil and need to repent of their “whiteness.” In reality scripture teaches that all need to repent but not of ethnicity. Some have even gone as far as to try to retcon history and theology by claiming that Jesus was woke. Whatever scriptural or historical basis they have for this is nonexistent and this notion serves only to blaspheme.
Society is under assault by this false religion of Wokeness. Many have been unwittingly ensnared by the teachings of charlatans who don’t subscribe to the teachings themselves but readily and willingly promulgate it. It would seem that they seek only the benefit that Woke Supremacy brings. Meanwhile, the world burns because falsehoods and man made doctrines are passed off as eternal truths to live by. These doctrines, this religion has to be confronted, shunned and rebutted at every available opportunity. Some prey on the ignorance of the masses to spread their bile. It is this ignorance that must be steadily attacked by providing alternatives, mainly common sense and reason to limit its spread. Dwight Eisenhower, in his military-industrial complex speech of 1961 notes that: “Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defence with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.” While this statement was made in particular to warn of the uninhibited growth of the military-industrial complex then and offer ways to combat it, its application rings fresh today because they are many who are and will use Wokeness as a weapon. Political, ideological and otherwise. Only by being alert to Woke indoctrination and being knowledgeable of the societal harm it can cause can we impede its spread.
image credits in order of appearance: Image par Clker-Free-Vector-Images de Pixabay; Image par Gordon Johnson de Pixabay; Image par Gordon Johnson de Pixabay