On Stranger Tides: The Peculiar Similarities Between Support For BLM And Support For Ukraine
Following the death of George Floyd in May, 2020, there was an outpouring of support not only from Americans but from many worldwide. Almost in unison there was a chorus of condemnation towards what was perceived as systemic racism in America. George Floyd was sainted and members of America’s law enforcement agencies demonised. Emotions and tensions were high. The outpouring of rage to what was perceived as a great injustice led to the destruction of property worth over one billion dollars, by one estimate, and the deaths of approximately 26 people. Yet, corporations, media outlets, politicians, artists, actors, celebrities alike celebrated and cheered on the destruction. After all, buildings, and in essence infrastructure, didn’t matter. Black Lives Mattered. To simply state that the rioting wasn’t appropriate or necessary would have BLM acolytes ululating for blood. The end result: many were left far worse off than they were at the start of the riots. Demoralisation swept through America’s police force and as a result policing suffered for it. Crime rates in American Cities are the highest they have been in decades. In my opinion, the consequent and overt tokenisation of people of non-caucasian ethnicities has hindered many from personal progress. The woke outreach from preachers of diversity has undoubtedly created animus amongst people of different ethnicities(I witnessed first hand the animus amongst different ethnicities that diversity quotas created during my stay in South Africa). Strangely enough, some things became verboten to query: Who was George Floyd? Why was he being arrested? Why was he with his drug dealer? Why was he passing around fake money? Did his unfortunate death absolve him of past guilt? Fast forward to today and we are in the midst of a global crisis. One that isn’t of a perceived existential crisis but an actual existential crisis. A crisis in the present for the Ukranian people, in the near future, perhaps one for humanity. Much like BLM support, the support for Ukraine hasn’t been a rising tide, it’s been a Tsunami. Many an American politician has donned Ukrainian flag lapel pins while internet denizens, from Britain to Jamaica, vociferously proclaim their support via similar flag emojis on their twitter profiles. Private corporations have also publicly voiced their support for Ukraine while denouncing Russia and President Vladimir Putin. While this is a real conflict, where many have died and many have been wounded, one can’t help but feel that this is an overture to something more. It seems to me that support for Ukraine has a very strong undercurrent of BLM-like support. Who is President Volodomir Zelensky? How do natives of the region perceive him? Why does it seem that there is a deliberate attempt to mythologise him in the minds of western audiences?
Much like BLM support, the support for Ukraine hasn’t been a rising tide, it’s been a Tsunami. Many an American politician have donned Ukrainian flag lapel pins while internet denizens, from Britain to Jamaica, vociferously proclaim their support via similar flag emojis on their twitter profiles.
It can be argued that the ill-devised Defund The Police movement that arose in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death has led to a rise in crime in America. The movement was based off the assumption that America’s police force is irredeemably racist. One of the key assertions of the movement is that American police systemically target and harass people of black ethnicity more than they do those of other ethnicities. As some police departments were defunded and others had their operations scaled back, criminals and opportunists took advantage of this and harmed those whom the movement purported to elevate. While Russia is definitely not a police force, and its leaders have made it clear that their own interests are paramount, world governments and financial institutions have moved to deprive Russia of resources, services and markets outside their own via various sanctions and other measures. While many may approve of this punitive sanctions and measures, the outcome may not be as desired. Kicking Russia off the swift banking system may make life harder for those within Russia who attempt to leave, but it has the unfortunate side effect of making trade with Russia harder. In my opinion, isolating Russia as a trading partner will prove to be a grave error for America and its NATO allies as most of Europe and in particular Germany rely on Russian imports of oil and natural gas. As does America. Additionally, rather than being demoralised and scaling back their invasion of Ukraine, Russia may be emboldened. They are also capable of initiating retaliatory economic measures that would not only harm the sanctioning nations but the global economy.
The two world leaders at centre stage aren’t one dimensional characters. These are fully fleshed out characters with many shades and different motivations. It seems to me that many in the main stream media circuit are bathing the public in ignorance while showering them with falsehoods about the war. Failing to give an accurate portrayal of the situation on the ground and the precipitous events that led to this moment.
During the trial of George Zimmerman, NBC doctored audio to falsely implicate Zimmerman of racially profiling Treyvon Martin. Even though they apologised, this lie still persists. During the trial of Derek Chauvin it was exceptionally rare to find an objective analysis of the case on mainstream media circuits. Something similar happened during the Kyle Rittenhouse Trial. Panels of experts were wheeled out to re-affirm the biases of corporate media’s television audiences and drive home the prevailing narrative. These were nought more than mercenaries for hire. Men and women who prostituted their titles and qualifications in service of ideology. If one only followed the main stream media perspective, these men, who were defendants at the time, were guilty of everything they were accused of and more. The media’s coverage chummed the waters of public unrest and whipped up the general public into a frenzy. Anything less than a guilty verdict would be seen as proof for many of systemic racism in America. Something very similar is happening with the coverage of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Audiences the world over are being fed a partial and incomplete picture of the actual situation on the ground. Following main stream publications one would come away with the sense that Ukraine was winning this war. President Vladimir Putin, a cookie cutter villain who took leave of his senses and President Volodomir Zelensky a super hero worthy of his own Hollywood produced blockbuster film. However, the truth is far from this. The two world leaders at centre stage aren’t one dimensional characters. These are fully fleshed out characters with many shades and different motivations. It seems to me that many in the main stream media circuit are bathing the public in ignorance all the while showering them with falsehoods about the war. Failing to give an accurate portrayal of the situation on the ground and the precipitous events that led to this moment. If mainstream outlets are to be believed, there is nothing but global condemnation for the actions of the Russians. If so, why did India and China abstain from condemning Russia during the recent United Nations emergency session? It does seem that there is this notion that western liberalism, commonly marketed as Democracy, is a gift of benevolence that should be accepted unquestioningly by those in far off lands. This purported generosity categorically failed in Afghanistan and will in all likelihood fail in other non-western nations that don’t share similar culture, traditions and values.
Germany has reportedly seized a Russian billionaire’s 600 million dollar mega yacht. This is alarming and harkens back to Franklin Dixon Roosevelt’s E09066 which led to the forced removal and incarceration of 120,000 Japanese Americans a few weeks after the attack on Pearl Harbour. This is a dark path. If not careful, many will drift off from the shores of sanity which serve as a useful anchor against the harsh winds of politics and ideology.
Much like the religion of Wokeness, amongst some, public support for Ukraine and condemnation of Russia and its President has become a religious sacrament. Putin is the spawn of Satan and Zelensky an angel come from God. It has been reported that the conductor for the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra, Valery Gergiev, has been relieved of duty for refusing to denounce President Vladimir Putin with whom he is said to have a close personal relationship. It would appear that it is not enough for one to simply be pro-Ukraine, they must be anti-Russian. Spending time on social media one gets the sense that there is a preponderance of Russo-Phobia. Hatred for Russians is openly promulgated with no distinction made between Russia’s ruling class and the rest of Russia’s populace. Omar Alghabra, Canada’s minister for Transport, has claimed that a charter plane with Russian nationals is being held hostage at Yellow Knife airport as retaliation for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. This is indiscriminate treatment of private individuals that assumes national affiliation makes them enemy combatants. Germany has reportedly seized a Russian billionaire’s 600 million dollar mega yacht. This is alarming and harkens back to Franklin Dixon Roosevelt’s E09066 which led to the forced removal and incarceration of 120,000 Japanese Americans a few weeks after the attack on Pearl Harbour. This is a dark path. If not careful, many will drift off from the shores of sanity which serve as a useful anchor against the harsh winds of politics and ideology. Republican Senator Lindsay Graham has publicly called for the assassination of President Vladimir Putin via Russian agency. I suspect he is feigning lunacy and in reality some ill-fated CIA plot to assassinate a foreign sitting President is afoot. Speculation aside, this is dangerous rhetoric. Co-opting innocents into partaking in cockamamie schemes that only work in spy thrillers is reckless and irresponsible.
A common thread between the support for BLM and support for Ukraine amongst global corporations is their love for China and their seeming hatred for the associated guilty party. Apple, Nike and other companies were quick to virtue signal their support for the Black Lives Matter movement but hardly took steps back to re-consider their continued involvement in China. The same companies are pulling their products and services from Russia or at least limiting access from that market in retaliation to the Russian attacks on Ukraine. This all rings hollow and has the air of a performative stunt as they still continue to supply their products and offer support to one of the worst human rights abusers on the planet. I doubt there will be a thorough rebuke and condemnation of China. The International Olympics Committee has recommended banning competitors from Russia and Belarus from partaking in any of their events. This is rather insulting as they are currently celebrating what they see as the successful winter Olympics in Beijing. Winter Olympics that were held under a dark cloud of shame.

The war in Ukraine is a tragedy. Unfortunately, tragedies make good plays and there seem to be many actors involved in Ukraine on the international stage. We must be careful in that in lending our support, in whatever shape or form, we don’t aid the collapse of Ukraine and the demise of its peoples.
Ukraine, its allies and supporters need to be careful with what appears to be overwhelming support. This support could easily turn into a benediction of doom. Where chaos ensues opportunity abounds. The world is filled with opportunists. Some who would rev up the engine of war for quick profits and others who wish to control the destiny of many, if not all, under the guise of benevolence. The overwhelming support that BLM enjoyed during the summer of 2020 riots did not translate to much meaningful progress. For many, this support quickly soured. The BLM organisation is said to have 60 million dollars in funds that are unaccounted for as first reported by the Washington journal. As governments increase defence spending, it would be remiss if I don’t point out that significant chunks of funding set aside for the failed Afghanistan nation building project are still unaccounted for. Ultimately, 20 years down the line and the Afghani people have nothing but misery and tears to show for America’s failed nation building hoax. Many of the same people involved in the collapse of Afghanistan are now involved in Ukraine. The war in Ukraine is a tragedy. Unfortunately, tragedies make good plays and there seem to be many actors involved in Ukraine on the international stage. We must be careful in that in lending our support, in whatever shape or form, we don’t aid the collapse of Ukraine and the demise of its peoples. Peace has to be pursued. As the world sails through uncharted waters, ever closer to a nuclear war, we need to be careful in riding the wave of public emotion and sentimentality. Cooler heads need to prevail.
Image credits in order of appearance: Image par Clker-Free-Vector-Images de Pixabay; Image par S K de Pixabay; Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay