The Unsurprising Illegitimacy Of Black Lives Matter
The first I heard of Black Lives Matter as a movement was from their corporate backers: Apple, Microsoft, Nike, etc. Industry titans. For some reason, the world’s most powerful companies were platforming a movement that seemed benign on the surface and was the face of the new civil rights movement. If this were the 60s this would make perfect sense. After all, most of Africa hadn’t been emancipated yet from their colonial overlords. In America, people of black ethnicity were quite literally second rate citizens. Being black meant being clothed in a coat of unworthiness. A layer of societal grime seemed to be infused into the DNA of people of black ethnicity. In America, worse off than people of Hispanic and Asian ethnicities. In Africa, worse off than people of Asian ethnicity. Fast forward to today’s world and the rhetoric carried forth by western corporate media would have you believe that Americans of black ethnicity have a monopoly in suffering and that modern society has a predisposition to partake in their persecution. Woke capital and American politicians seem to be the greatest promoters of these false doctrines of despair. A closer look at some of these companies and one would quickly realise that they are alleged to be aiding and abetting one of the worst human rights atrocities of the last century: The persecution of Uyghur muslims by Chinese authorities through the use of tainted supply chains. Their irreverent support for Black Lives Matter, perhaps a ploy to assuage guilt in their complicity or more likely, to distract from their involvement in foreign atrocities. American politicians finding a cheap source of support. Mining the vast wealth of public emotions, especially those of people of black ethnicity. While they may have escaped the southern plantations in an epoch past, many of black ethnicity don’t realise that they became the actual plantation. A farm for votes and an endless supply of free muscle for riots that are used to cudgel America’s populace into submission.

While they may have escaped the southern plantations in an epoch past, many of black ethnicity don’t realise that they became the actual plantation. A farm for votes and an endless supply of free muscle for riots that are used to cudgel America’s populace into submission.
Black Lives Matter, or more precisely, BLM riots, sometimes classified as “mostly peaceful but fiery” by friendly media have become a tool of oppression. While there may have been a genuine but misguided desire to address the myth of systemic racism in America, this movement has morphed into a political super weapon used to target and harass dissenters. During the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, there were threats of BLM riots if a guilty verdict wasn’t reached. What made this all the more peculiar is that non of those involved in this particular case were of black ethnicity. The sentiment here appears to be that the two men who lost their lives and the one survivor were allies to the BLM movement. The Rittenhouse incident occurred during a BLM riot in Kenosha, Wisconsin. A rather interesting choice of allies as these men were career criminals and one of them a convicted pedophile. A closer look at the ongoing trial and one would realise that a guilty verdict may have had grave implications on self defence and gun rights in America. Even though many still have misgivings about the guilt of Derek Chauvin in George Floyd’s death, a guilty verdict was almost certainly assured due to the threats of violence from Black Lives Matter. At one point a severed pig’s head was sent to the home of one of the jurors on the case. A Black Lives Matter activist lied his way onto the jury that later went on to convict Derek Chauvin for the murder of George Floyd. This is in spite of the fact that Mr. Floyd may have died from having ingested a lethal dose of fentanyl during or before his arrest. A fact that is indicated in the original medical examiners report. Mr Floyd’s drug dealer, Morris Lester Hall, who was present with him shortly before his arrest pleaded the fifth amendment so as not to testify in the trial in fear of incriminating himself. It is of note that it is likely that he had supplied Mr. Floyd with the drugs and could be culpable for his death. If, he had indeed died of an overdose as opposed to asphyxiation from Derek Chauvin’s knee or a combination of both.
Nearly every time we have had a major Black Lives Matter upheaval with support from Woke Capital, politicians and main stream media talking heads, the underlying facts have been spotty at best. While these upheavals tend to be politically convenient, legally speaking they are based on shoddy patch work. During the George Zimmerman trial in 2013, a jury verdict found Mr. Zimmerman not guilty. The public was fed misleading and even doctored facts by politicians and the main stream media. The picture they painted was one of a vigilante white supremacist with racial animus towards Treyvon Martin. A fact that the prosecution was unable to prove. In fact, NBC News doctored an audio recording between George Zimmerman and dispatch to make it seem that Treyvon had been racially profiled. Even though NBC News would later release an apology, via the Washington Post, the damage was already done. Rather than breath a sigh of relief that Treyvon Martin wasn’t targeted because of his race but was a rather an unfortunate victim, Black Lives Matter activists decried what they referred to as a lack of justice. To them, another unarmed man of black ethnicity had been taken out by a white supremacist. America’s corporate media at the time did little to shed light onto the facts of the case but rather poured fuel onto the all consuming fire of Black Lives Matter rage. George Zimmerman isn’t of pure caucasian ethnicity. He is of half Peruvian ancestry and has family of mixed racial heritage. A search of his social media posts at the time did not indicate an individual predisposed to racial prejudice. In contrast, the social media posts of Darrell Brooks, the man allegedly responsible for the Waukesha Massacre, indicates a man given over to racism and racial hatred. In an exclusive, The Daily Mail uncovered Facebook posts in which he had seemingly expressed support for violent acts committed against people of caucasian ethnicity. Violence he eventually carried out by ploughing his red SUV through a Christmas parade, leading to the deaths of 6 people, including an 8 year old child and many more injuries.
Per Black Lives Matter philosophies, people of black ethnicities are hobbled from birth simply because of their skin colour. Personal progress and material success eludes them because of the perceived inherent racism in others and systemic racism put in place by those of caucasian ethnicity to deny them their lot in life.
The greatest tragedy of the Black Lives Matter movement is the promulgation of the perceived victimhood of people of black ethnicity in perpetuity. Rather than viewing issues through the lens of culture, every issue is viewed through the lens of race. Per Black Lives Matter philosophies, people of black ethnicities are hobbled from birth simply because of their skin colour. Personal progress and material success eludes them because of the perceived inherent racism in others and systemic racism put in place by those of caucasian ethnicity to deny them their lot in life. As an aside, it’s particularly interesting that hate crimes committed against Asian Americans in the city of New York in 2020 seemed to be committed predominantly by people of black ethnicity. In an unsurprising twist, due to immense political and societal pressure, people of black ethnicity are being tokenised more than ever in history. Racial quotas are being implemented from company hiring practises to film and television award ceremonies. In essence, meritocracy has been sacrificed on the alter of racial inclusivity. While this may create resentment in the short term, as under-qualified or undeserving applicants receive jobs and awards simply based on ethnicity, it has grave implications in the long run. People of black ethnicity can never achieve much because the ladder to success for them only has one rang, that of race. In this regard, the Black Lives Matter movement has achieved the Ku Klax Klan’s wildest dreams: The permanent subservience and slavery of people of black ethnicity. Not a physical slavery but an enshackling of the mind and the spirit which is far more effective. There is never need to defeat a people who are already defeated and even more so those who defeat themselves.

People of black ethnicity can never achieve much because the ladder to success for them only has one rang, that of race. In this regard, the Black Lives Matter movement has achieved the Ku Klax Klan’s wildest dreams: The permanent subservience and slavery of people of black ethnicity.
Recently, the Black Lives Matter organisation has been in the news again over their alleged mishandling of funds. An investigation by the Washington Journal has found that there is no direct line of accountability for Black Lives Matter’s 60 million dollars worth of funds. While many may have donned the black square on their twitter profiles and company pages to grift for funds, in my opinion, the greatest grifters of them all are the Black Lives Matter leadership. Last year, when one of the founders of the Black Lives Matter movement was revealed to have purchased a mansion in an upmarket Los Angeles neighbourhood valued at 1.4 million dollars, alarm bells went off for many. This wasn’t surprising. In my opinion, BLM has always been one long con. The causes Black Lives Matter supports and has supported in the past were never clear cut cases of civil injustices. George Floyd and Jacob Blake were criminals. George Floyd passed on while resisting arrest for committing an alleged crime. Jacob Blake was shot multiple times while armed as he ignored orders from the police. His then girlfriend, Laquisha Brookes, had called the police to assist in a domestic violence disturbance. All lives matter, not just those of people of black ethnicity. Black is nought more but skin pigmentation. It does not determine character or personality. These are individual traits. This movement assumes that people of black ethnicity are monolithic and share culture and beliefs. In reality, black has always had many shades.
Image credit in order of appearance: Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay; Image by debradeka from Pixabay