A Fracture In (Time) Trump

Time has been said to be a healer of all wounds. While this is a nice little maxim to hold on to, it’s far from the truth. In fact, it can be argued that the sands of time smoothen off the rough edges of ugly periods in history. Painful periods in life don’t seem as painful in retrospect because we are far removed from the epicentre of heartache. Because Time is linear, it spreads out from a focal point. Points far off from the epicentre suffer the least consequences of the chain reaction because they are farthest from ground zero. The rest of eternity is spent dealing with the fall out. Approximately four years ago, crooked and corrupt intelligence agency officials hatched a plan to take down a sitting President. This was vile and repugnant and not only an assault on the American President but an assault on the American people. Those who were meant to be custodians of democracy drunk themselves silly with power and transformed into gate keepers of American politics. Vicious men and women who carried out the greatest injustices all the while pretending to be gods among us. Corporate media served as cheerleaders and in many instances actively aided and abetted criminal scum in accomplishing their goals. The New York Times & Washington Post are yet to offer any meaningful retractions or apologies over a hoax they hatched and helped breed to maturity. The Blair-Bush project of the early 2000s which created the weapons of mass destruction hoax brought about a period of reflection corporate media’s culpability. The implosion of the Russia hoax has only steeled their resolve in clinging on to the macabre fairy tale the helped promulgate. Stories that were conjured up by intellectual witchcraft as opposed to hard hitting investigative journalism. Their joint effort to dismantle a Presidency wasn’t an accident. It was deliberate. They gleefully and cheerfully spread these vicious lies that threatened to rip a nation asunder. Time, yet again separates us from the hateful and hurtful conduct of corporate media who laundered lie after lie. Pivoting from one hoax to the next as previous ones couldn’t sustain the weight of their own deceptive ambitions. It may not seem like it now but the Russia hoax has been described by some to be worst failure of corporate news media since the Weapons of Mass Destruction Hoax. At times it does seem that President Trump who was at the epicentre of this hoax has forgotten about this. Perhaps, forgetting that the hoax was never really about him, it was always about the American people and hatred of them from a ruling criminal class in Washington.
Those who were meant to be custodians of democracy drunk themselves silly with power and transformed into gate keepers of American politics. Vicious men and women who carried out the greatest injustices all the while pretending to be gods among us. Corporate media served as cheerleaders and in many instances actively aided and abetted criminal scum in accomplishing their goals. The New York Times & Washington Post are yet to offer any meaningful retractions or apologies over a hoax they hatched and helped breed to maturity.
Many pundits on the American right agree that one of President Trump’s worst failures was his poor judgement when it came to his political appointees. Many despised him. Few of them if any were interested in enforcing his agenda in as much as they were interested in thwarting progress or maintaining Washington’s status quo at every possible opportunity. From woke generals who didn’t respect him or his office to political appointees who actively plotted a coup to overthrow him through the Russia collusion hoax. Sadly, it does seem that President Trump’s greatest weakness is proving to be his ego and a desire for acknowledgement especially from those who will never recognise him or his accomplishments as legitimate. To them he represents the worst of humanity, MAGA isn’t so much about Trump as it is about ordinary Americans who for the first time in decades felt they could be involved in their country’s legislative processes. This can be seen by the overt targeting of Trump supporters and conservative Americans by the department of justice. Time’s cruel trick is to lessen the blow of the despicable behaviour exhibited by some of the country’s top military brass who loudly moaned and condemned President Trump both in private and in public. Breaching public trust in the military which was always designed and meant to be an apolitical body. To be seen and not to be heard. To serve the country and the commander in chief. Not to inform foreign enemies of any potential military strikes ahead of schedule. A culture of hatred and insubordination was fomented by military leadership and one that doesn’t bode well for America’s formidable military might. A fact that was only recently proven by the catastrophic failure of America’s military in Afghanistan.
Trump was a one man band. The front man headlining the tour yet he carried out his act like a street performer. Performing to a crowd of dozens as opposed to a lead vocalist commanding the attention of a sold out arena.
During the lead up to the 2020 Presidential election, then President Trump would complain at every avenue about the plot to use the mail in ballot system to rig the electoral processes of the country. While he loudly expressed distrust in the system nothing was being done behind the scenes legally and legislatively to ensure a free and fair election. Trump was a one man band. The front man headlining the tour yet he carried out his act like a street performer. Performing to a crowd of dozens as opposed to a lead vocalist commanding the attention of a sold out arena. Perhaps it was his ego that precluded others from serving but more likely than not it is possible that he was relying on bad advice from advisors who were keen to see his downfall. Either by pretending that everything was fine and standing aloof of proceedings or by actively undercutting anything he said behind his back. It wasn’t his downfall they guaranteed. It was the destruction of a nation that they ensured. The American Presidential elections are not and have never just been about one political party or one political leader or movement. Their importance to the balance of power in the world is unparalleled and the outcome affects every nation on earth. Trump was always surrounded by traitors. Men and women who wouldn’t hesitate to pass him a poisoned chalice after pretending to have sipped from it in a show of camaraderie.

President Trump’s recent insistence on the efficacy of the vaccines seems to suggest that he still desires acknowledgement and credit for their development. From a once fierce beast, Trump has morphed into a grovelling puppy begging for scraps of approval to fall off the table of a meal he helped prepare. One that is being wolfed down by those who despise him. In my opinion, Trump needs to realise that the Presidency was never about him and never will about him. It will always be about the people he represents.
One of President Trump’s administration’s great achievements was how it was able to move the might of American industries to work for the American people. At the onset of the CCP virus pandemic, the administration was able to wheel in industry giants to manufacture much needed ventilators which were then shipped to other countries in need due to excess production. Dying companies such as Kodak were revitalised into manufacturing and processing hubs for the much needed equipment, medical supplies and drugs. While there were mistakes made in handing out loans to companies that didn’t need them due to the urgency of the matter, the speed at which most of this was done was impressive. Yet, President Trump was excoriated constantly for his handling of the CCP virus and each death at the time was personally attributable to him. No other world leader received such blame and even the current inhabitant of the White House has largely escaped much criticism for his handling of the CCP virus pandemic. Very little credit if any was given to the administration for some of its accomplishments during this early period of great uncertainty. President Trump’s recent insistence on the efficacy of the vaccines seems to suggest that he still desires acknowledgement and credit for their development. From a once fierce beast, Trump has morphed into a grovelling puppy begging for scraps of approval to fall off the table of a meal he helped prepare. One that is being wolfed down by those who despise him. In my opinion, Trump needs to realise that the Presidency was never about him and never will about him. It will always be about the people he represents. It isn’t him that his being despised but them. Like a jealous husband he needs to fight to protect their dignity and respect even if that means losing his own. He is uniquely capable of handling their vile hatred. Ordinary citizens may not be. One of the unfortunate truths about leadership is the fact that you will be blamed for all of your failures and more often than not will not be credited for any of your successes. Trump needs to accept this and move on for the betterment of the country.
Image credits in order of appearance: Image par JJuni de Pixabay; Image par Owantana de Pixabay