House Of (Wax) Kyle
One of the most iconic moments from the summer of 2020 BLM-Antifa protest and riots is that of a woman handing back a brick to youth in a car who were seemingly distributing them to would be rioters. Youth who were doing the rounds in a car with blanked off plates. Rightfully so, as some of these protests turned violent and resulted in unwarranted deaths and immense property damage. Another iconic moment was of a woman lecturing looters, rioters and anarchists who were busy destroying businesses in New York. A common thread in both these moments is the supposed victimhood of these women, who were of black ethnicity, standing up for their communities. Their would be emancipators, the criminal scum who were trying to instigate riots and massive property damage. Many of these violent looters, anarchists and rioters were from out of town. The damage they caused would have not affected them in one way or the other. However, the damage that was caused by the riots has in many ways permanently scarred the communities that were affected and further impoverished them irrespective of ethnicity. People died. Businesses were looted and destroyed. Both these “moments” purvey a deeper symbolism than most acknowledge. Strong imagery of a woke master class that terrorises the rest of America’s populace under the guise of racial justice. Putting back in shackles those who are already free while attempting to colonise huge swathes of the rest of the population by spreading their vile religion. Sections of cities in a first world country reduced to embers similar to those decimated in third world countries during uprisings. Perhaps, the imagery that was being evoked was a strong visual reminder of what could happen to cities around the country if the presidential election went in a way that was seen as unfavourable. Silence has been denounced as violence and actual violence has been celebrated as protected speech. Speech uttered in a deadly tongue that only spews forth in the form of curses. Hexes that may be familiar to the ears of progressives but ones that have wrought regressive steps in progress. Car lots torched, wholesale stores looted, yet “fiery but mostly peaceful” carolled the media. Cold to the fact that their skewed hyper partisan political coverage was a song of fire and ice. A dirge to the ones whose lives and livelihoods were destroyed, a revival of minstrelsy amongst those who participated in the riots.

Silence has been denounced as violence and actual violence has been celebrated as protected speech. Speech uttered in a deadly tongue that only spews forth in the form of curses. Hexes that may be familiar to the ears of progressives but ones that have wrought regressive steps in progress.
One of the settings for this season of carnage was Kenosha, Wisconsin. Home to Jacob Blake. A man who was shot while disobeying direct police orders and in possession of a weapon at the time of his shooting. A man who had a warrant out for his arrest and one who had allegedly sexually assaulted the mother of his children, Laquisha Brookes. A man whom the police had come to confront in response to a domestic abuse plea for help. While these facts may have been absent in the immediate aftermath of the shooting which left Mr. Blake paralysed from the waist down, the ones presented in the Washington Post were outright lies and in my opinion deliberate misinformation. The Post painted Mr. Blake as yet another victim of perceived systemic racism and perceived police brutality. Even when it was almost certain that he was armed from the beginning the Post painted a sympathetic portrait of a beleaguered young man of black ethnicity. Not the clear picture of a violent misguided young man who had a criminal past. This set the stage for a protest. The protests gave pretext for a riot. Massive lawlessness ensued. In the midst of the rioting, Kenosha residents and locals took it upon themselves to protect their community and to help where needed. The Governor refused to send in the national guard to secure the area even after several pleas to him were made. Kyle Rittenhouse, a teenager at 17 years old at the time was amongst one of the residents protecting the neighbourhood and rendering aid where he could. He made the mistake of trying to put out fire to a petrol station that had been set by looters, anarchists and thugs who were having the time of their lives in Kenosha. This made him a target for their ire and shortly after a foot chase ensued. A chase that would end tragically for two of his pursuers and would wound one. A chase that would have Mr. Rittenhouse labelled a white supremacist from the platform of a Presidential debate by then presidential candidate Joe Biden.
In response to shows of support for Mr. Rittenhouse on social media, Facebook banned any mentions of Kyle’s innocence and any support of him. In response to Breitbart news a spokesperson asserted that the company views the shooting as a mass murder. This was trial and conviction by a social media company that shaped the opinions of many Americans of an ongoing case where guilt is yet to be determined. One of Facebook’s preferred “fact checker’s,” Politifact, low tiered American Pravda incorrectly asserted a “fact check” to the claim that Mr. Rittenhouse was well within his legal rights to be armed with an assault rifle. Their “fact check” claimed that this was false. In actuality the statement is true. A fact which was reinforced this week when the presiding judge threw away the bogus gun charge the prosecution had brought in. Politifact has doubled down on their lie. This was libellous and slanderous content that was shared from media house to media house in America, all of whom failed to do a deep dive of Wisconsin law. It doesn’t matter that this was incorrect. It seems to have given a useful pretext to blame any and everything on white supremacy. A fictitious red herring that offers American celebrities a familiar q-card talking point from woke capital. One that is used to rile the general populace up and distracted from the real harm inflicted on their communities by unscrupulous leadership. The main cultural divide in America isn’t left or right. It simply is between those who acknowledge Truth, are humbled by it and choose to partake in it and those who reject truth and gorge themselves on a buffet of lies. Those who are built up by the Truth and those whose lives are made uncomfortable by Truth and thus avoid it at all costs or twist it to their own ends.

Joy Reid and other liberal media figures may be hailed as “allies” but in reality they are the Klans greatest agents. By their perpetual framing of every and anything as an issue of white supremacy they have succeeded in realising one of the Klan’s wildest dreams. The creation of a false slave-master dichotomy that reinforces the false narrative that America is irredeemably and systemically racist.
As the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse has been publicly televised, the lies that American media put out for a year have all but crumbled. Even with their credibility down the drain they have doubled and quadrupled down in their shenanigans. This isn’t surprising because media houses such as MSNBC have lied and misled their audience for years. Even a tiny glimpse of light will shatter the thinly held illusion that they are respectable news organisations. In a non-related but somewhat similar media con, even after Danchenko’s indictment last week, MSNBC has barely made mention of this as it shatters the horse manure they peddled for four years about Trump-Russian collusion. Joy Reid has made allusions to her opinion that Mr. Rittenhouse is a white supremacist and that his case isn’t about self defence but one about race. Even though his assailants were unsavoury characters with illicit histories as criminals and one a pedophile. This isn’t to suggest that they should have been shot. It is simply to point out that they are not the white knights the media claims them to be. These lies about the case spread as far as Brazil where one of the major publications had to retract headlines claiming that the two deceased men were of black ethnicity. The media have cleverly framed this as an issue of race and not one of poor governance. Perhaps even covering up for their lies that started the riot in the first place. Joy Reid and other liberal media figures may be hailed as “allies” but in reality they are the Klans greatest agents. By their perpetual framing of every and anything as an issue of white supremacy they have succeeded in realising one of the Klan’s wildest dreams. The creation of a false slave-master dichotomy that reinforces the false narrative that America is irredeemably and systemically racist. A deadly and dangerous ideology that psychologically inhibits progress of people of non-caucasian ethnicities in America by shackling them in a slavery of their minds and spirits.

If American society only views issues through the prism of race, everything that exists on the periphery of their vision becomes blurred. Issues such as the weaponisation of the DoJ against ordinary Americans or the catastrophic failure and corruption that was present in Afghanistan. Mr. Rittenhouse’s trial has inched America closer to a precarious precipice. One in which America’s future as a democracy may hang on the balance.
While Mr. Rittenhouse’s trial isn’t the first one that has been extremely politicised, it serves as a useful gauge as to where America is as a society. For all intents and purposes, the verdict in this case determines whether or not America has transformed itself, in the space of about a decade or so, into a third world country with third world sensibilities to justice. A country where the only rule of law is mob rule. Threats of BLM riots were used to force an unfavourable outcome in the Derek Chauvin trial. A guilty verdict meant peace on the streets, a non guilty verdict would have almost certainly resulted in looting and rioting. BLM is being used as a battering ram to bring judges and juries into submission in cases that are easily high jacked to push the false narrative of systemic racism in America. If American society only views issues through the prism of race, everything that exists on the periphery of their vision becomes blurred. Issues such as the weaponisation of the DoJ against ordinary Americans or the catastrophic failure and corruption that was present in Afghanistan. Mr. Rittenhouse’s trial has inched America closer to a precarious precipice. One in which America’s future as a democracy may hang on the balance. One in which real people have their lives destroyed and their agony immortalised through the dangerous legal precedents set. One in which real people are turned into wax figures in a museum. Display pieces of a justice system that has failed them.
Image credits in order of appearance: Image par OpenClipart-Vectors de Pixabay; Image par OpenClipart-Vectors de Pixabay; Image par StarGladeVintage de Pixabay