Trump’s Greatest Triumph: The Rise Of The Common Man

There isn’t much that hasn’t been said about America’s 45th President. A man who in public was as enigmatic as he was controversial. There are those who adore him and in spite of never having met him are fiercely loyal. To them he is a dwarf king. A brave yet brash leader who courageously led them deep into battle relentlessly for four years against the establishment. Others on the opposite end of the spectrum despise him. In their minds he is a modern day incarnation of Adolf Hitler. The spirit of the latter telegraphed from the past into our modern age and bottled in his six-foot-plus tall frame. An evil genie that only grants the wishes of purported white nationalists and curses the rest of humanity to a life of misery by mere existence. Of course, due to the current lack of meaning for words, this isn’t to say much. The term white nationalist was recently lobbed at me but much like a dummy grenade it harmlessly bounced off into the ether. Black Lives Matter, a group which I believe practices racism by branding it as a redress of past hurts, has reportedly gone as far as to ask the liberal elites who de facto run the virtual world to declare America’s former president persona non grata for life. Of course, the tech overlords haven’t been shy in their overt displays of illiberalism in this regard. In some sense they have already capitulated to their demands.
Of course, due to the current lack of meaning for words, this isn’t to say much. The term white nationalist was recently lobbed at me but much like a dummy grenade it harmlessly bounced off into the ether.

Much can be said about either of these groups. There are those who would readily crown him as a king on one end and on the other, those who would just as eagerly banish him to hades to spend eternity with those whom they consider deplorable. Sadly, much isn’t being said about those who sit in the middle ground. Those who don’t align with either side. To them, perhaps they view one side as sycophantic and the other misguided, confused but more accurately, irrational. For most of us the rise of Trump in international politics was an unexpected surprise. We didn’t know much about American politics and we honestly didn’t care. The last super star president to rise in the ranks of American politics was former President Barrack Obama whose apathy to the rest of us was simply a mirror of how apathetic we were to him, his skin colour, rock star status and more importantly his mediocre presidency. Then along came Trump. We watched from the sidelines as the American mainstream media began its descent into madness. Russia fever swept through town like a rush for cursed gold. Like any cursed gold, it turned its prospectors into the undead. Mindless beings who parroted cheap political talking points for partisan gains. As the media’s delirium reached a fever pitch during the Robert Mueller investigations so did our distrust for them. They stirred up the pot of the American public’s emotions with their stick of lies and largely succeeded in achieving the desired effect: crippling the Trump presidency. They painted caricatures of the man on an ever shifting canvas that would change to fit whatever narrative they were pushing. These were then sold to the general public as Vincent Van Gogh’s finest works but in reality were more akin to cave paintings.
We watched from the sidelines as the American mainstream media began its descent into madness. Russia fever swept through town like a rush for cursed gold.
In the midst of all of the smears and hit pieces, a clearer picture of the centre piece of the demented artistry of America’s mainstream media began to form. Looking through the haze we saw the man Trump. He wasn’t the macabre boogey man of urban legends of old and neither was he a dwarf king. He was a seemingly beleaguered president who seemed to have the political and media establishment in relentless pursuit hot on his heels. As he would put it, they had their suspect tried and convicted and were now in search of a crime to fit the bill. However, to those who were paying close attention, it seemed like he was having the time of his life. In my opinion, the pinnacle of Trump’s presidency was the State of The Union Address he gave in February 2020. Freshly impeached and soon to be acquitted, he stood tall and delivered what was one of his greatest speeches and one of the best speeches I’ve heard from a head of state. Amidst cheers from his party members who fed into his performance by their shouts of “four more years” and the jeers from the opposition he delivered his Swan Song. Touting the booming American economy he rattled off the list of his administration’s achievements of which they are many yet not often recognised. He spoke about how American fortunes were rising across the board and across all facets of society. Personally, a key highlight was when he proclaimed that America’s manifest destiny was to reach for the stars. In my opinion, this was the apogee of his speech. In this one speech, through his performance both figuratively and literally, Trump had indeed proven to be the greatest showman.
The American mainstream media couldn’t hide its delight as it relished the narratives put forth by partisan politicians and just as readily served up half cooked gruel to uninformed and sadly often times ignorant masses. While these meals had their intended consequence of poisoning the masses, the poison they were laced with had the unintended effect of infecting the kitchen staff.

Through Trump’s presidency, more and more Americans and even to some extent foreign nationals became politically aware and better informed of the American judicial processes. Through both impeachment circuses those who paid attention, regardless of their views of the man, realised how much American life had become tainted with partisan politics and at times even outright corruption. The American mainstream media couldn’t hide its delight as it relished the narratives put forth by partisan politicians and just as readily served up half cooked gruel to uninformed and sadly often times ignorant masses. While these meals had their intended consequence of poisoning the masses, the poison they were laced with had the unintended effect of infecting the kitchen staff. The credibility the American public and possibly the rest of the world at large had placed in mainstream media has almost bottomed out where it matters. While there are some who because of their biases will always pile their plates with generous servings of what has been labelled “Horse Manure,” there are others who would rather purchase their food from the independent food stalls dotted all around the political and legal landscape of the western world.
Through his attitude and demeanour with regard to the various situations he was presented, Trump bequeathed a humanity to the Oval Office that has perhaps been foreign to the office and its holders for eons. Through the countless White House roundtables, even before the outbreak of the CCP virus, we were able to catch glimpses of how the American presidency works and we saw an effective president at work. Interestingly, we saw that he wasn’t at work with the best, brightest and most distinguished in society. Rather, he was at work with common everyday Americans from the grassroots level.
Personally, I would rather have a president who is not a crook than a crook who is presidential.
Some have wondered why I would support Trump or at least be in support of him as a Christian as he is, to put it bluntly, scum of the earth. I often wonder how much of their opinions have been shaped by made up media hoaxes such as the Fine People Hoax. Made up nonsense which some have posited was the single most damaging element to Trump’s presidency. A lie that branded him a white nationalist in spite of the basic premise of the allegation not holding up to basic scrutiny. To quote scripture, God has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise, the lowly things of the world and the things which are despised to bring to nothing the things that are. Others have decried the fact that he was never presidential and thus besmirched the office of the president through his personality and mannerisms. I would urge them to simply take a look back at America’s past. A past which has had some of the most presidential presidents. Men who were dignified in their speech and mannerisms but left behind a trail of bodies, corruption, lies and deception that we are still uncovering long after they are gone. Personally, I would rather have a president who is not a crook than a crook who is presidential.
NB!Image credits in order of appearance: Image par OpenClipart-Vectors de Pixabay, Image par b0red de Pixabay, Image par Clker-Free-Vector-Images de Pixabay