An Uncivil War
Since the start of the Russia-Ukraine war it has become abundantly clear that Washington’s ruling elite have no self control held in reserve. A reckless perniciousness seems to have possessed many in power and an air of hubris hangs heavy over Washington. What used to be an almost mythical cabal of suspected super criminals who reached out from the shadows, via proxy, to control American affairs now seem over confident in their overt displays of power. The latest outreach of these suspected criminals is the ouster of popular television prime time host Tucker Carlson. The only voice in the corridors of American mainstream media to voice dissidence to the reckless warmongering of those in power. The world now teeters on the brink of nuclear annihilation as the clapping seals of corporate mainstream media cheer on Armageddon. Meanwhile, Americans are struggling to make ends meet. Per Market Watch, approximately 39% have resorted to skipping meals to meet their monthly housing payments. There used to be a veneer of care for the local populace on display on the faces and in the voices of many an American leader. A balance between domestic and foreign affairs even if the end goals were not altruistic. It does seem that these are now days gone. With Carlson’s ouster and the recent Trump indictment hoax, it does seem that the Deep State is hosting premature victory parades expecting the rest of us to partake in their festivities. There seems to be a mistaken belief that because many Americans have been under the spell of America’s corrupt media that the Regime’s victory is assured. Some media houses have had talkshow hosts break out in jubilee at the news having turned freakers screeching their inanity into the void. However, there has been significant pushback with regards to the Carlson ouster across the political spectrum. Americans have been unwittingly drawn into a cold civil war over the past few years. A war that has been dressed up in various garments at different times. A merchant of death peddling fear and anger leaving behind a trail of bodies in its wake. It now seems that this war is about to explode all over the county. A war that has hitherto been relegated to the uncivil skirmishes between those in power. One that is now being foisted upon the American people. Battle lines have been drawn and sooner rather than later all will have to pick a side.
Americans have been unwittingly drawn into a cold civil war over the past few years. A war that has been dressed up in various garments at different times. A merchant of death peddling fear and anger leaving behind a trail of bodies in its wake.
While some bemoan the loss of Tucker Carlson due to his vast reach not only to wider audiences across the world but also to those in the seats of power, I beg to differ. A celebration is in order. The landscape of this uncivil war has now been permanently changed. We all have to adapt or die. This includes the Regime. We have all been granted a reset in this game of shadows. We are about to embark on the maiden voyage of our battleship hopefully with a battle plan in hand and all our guns at the ready. This is an opportunity, not a setback. A brief window which must be seized upon to ensure our victory against the Regime and their stenographers. Now is not the time for moaning. It has been encouraging to watch the support Mr. Carlson has received even amongst many who disagree with his views on American society. This is our rallying cry. Recruitment booths have to be set up in every state and every city across America encouraging men and women to join in the fight. Our munitions truth and the army of men and women who cling to truth vessels who will deliver the decisive final blow. Fox News may have signed its death warrant in parting ways with Mr. Carlson but this piece of paper is the birth certificate of a new America. An America that isn’t governed by partisan politics but one that aims to hold truth to power and bring to heel those who’ve preyed on our destruction.

…the Tucker Carlson ouster has now levelled up all of us and we have been forcibly thrust into endgame territory. There are no more treasure boxes for America’s Deep State to loot…The Tom Clancy-like machinations manufactured in Washington have to come to an end.
In 2020, popular conservative talkshow host and former Fox News host (circa 2011), Glenn Beck, gave a rousing albeit discouraging speech on how America’s corrupt entities and individuals always seem to get away with their alleged crimes. Regardless of how much their corruption is exposed. These are individuals such as dirty cops Comey, Brennan, Clapper to name but a few. Suspected super criminal Hillary Clinton to name another. It does seem that the Regime protects its own. This being said, the Tucker Carlson ouster has now levelled up all of us and we have been forcibly thrust into endgame territory. There are no more treasure boxes for America’s Deep State to loot. The victory parades may exude confidence but I’m willing to wager they are naught more than a feint. A pretence at winning while in reality the empire collapses from within. These American Gangsters have given into arrogance and gravely miscalculated their own power and reach. The powerful drug of identity politics they’ve used to subdue criticism now only has a waning effect. Even in pure doses its potency can only be increased by throwing in other ingredients into the mix. Many have built up a resistance to its effects. The Tom Clancy-like machinations manufactured in Washington have to come to an end. The division that has long existed amongst Americans has to be set to the side. This is a time for rainbows. Some may even be forced to join hands with a man they mistakenly deemed a rogue warlord from New York. Seizing on to this moment Americans must lay siege of the Capitol and its stooges who’ve wreaked havoc across the planet and bring them to their knees. The Regime declared war on all of us eons ago. Many are just now waking up to this fact. Victory may not be assured but the fight is more than worth it. For all mankind.
Image credits in order of appearance: Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay; Image by geoffreylt from Pixabay