Trump’s Cardinal Sins
Why The Non-Woke Left Refuse To Rally Behind Him
With the upcoming Trump indictment it has been fascinating to watch the reaction from America’s commentariat within both spheres of the political conversation. The rabidly anti-Trump media have been cheering this on as a welcome upgrade to America’s banana republic status. Meanwhile, those in conservative circles have rightfully denounced this madness. In the midst of all the cacophony that has ensued one prominent block of Americans have held their silence. Neither cheering nor condemning the actions of a weaponised prosecution in the latest episode of get-Trump mania. The non-woke left seem to be keeping some distance between themselves and this kangaroo court insanity. Self-made pariahs in the punditry class with regard to this issue. Yet, this is one that bodes ill for all Americans regardless of ideological leanings. In a recent segment of her show, avowed non-woke leftist and investigative journalist Kim Iversen pointed out that she finds herself in a difficult position with the upcoming 2024 presidential elections: she may have to become a one issue voter and cast a vote for the former President as he is the only world leader who has been pushing for cessation of conflict and for a negotiated peace in Eastern Europe. For many in the non-woke left Trump’s allure is that he did not start any new wars and is vehemently opposed to “spilling American blood and treasure” in the “quicksand” of the Middle East. He represents an anomaly. While his non-imperialism, to borrow their parlance, isn’t rooted in anti-imperialism the end point is the same. No more regime change hoaxes and money laundering scams in the guise of forever wars. However, he personifies everything they dislike: capitalist to the core, anti-illegal immigration, a climate change denier, a perceived racist and a genuine war criminal (much like every other American president). The silence of prominent voices in the non-woke left movement has been deafening. It does seem that to them Trump’s sins are unpardonable. No clemency is to be given even as America teeters on the brink of full-scale anarchy.
Repeated cries flood socialist channels on how America is systemically racist. Even though the numbers paint a different picture, a refusal to acknowledge this fanaticism has one permanently relegated to the camp of sinners.
One of Trump’s cardinal sins is his refusal to capitulate to the Black Lives Matter movement. In the view of some, his apathy to the death of George Floyd signalled his support for a police force they deem irredeemably racist. One that has been weaponised against people of black ethnicity and other minorities. Repeated cries flood socialist channels on how America is systemically racist. Even though the numbers paint a different picture, a refusal to acknowledge this fanaticism has one permanently relegated to the camp of sinners. Even though this make-belief nonsense has been weaponised in the guise of identity politics and is decimating America’s youth, penance means acknowledgement of dodgy premises. When Mr. Biden, the current inhabitant of the White House, and other Democrat leadership took a knee to honour a petty criminal by the name of Jacob Blake, then President Trump did not join in the chorus of sympathies directed towards this individual. When he reached out to Blake’s family, he reported that they wanted to have a legal team present during the conversation thus terminating the call as he found it inappropriate. Like most of these social justice causes, it was later revealed that Jacob Blake was indeed an armed individual in spite of inaccurate reporting by the Washington Post. Reporting that may have contributed to the Kenosha riots of 2020. It was also revealed that police were on site to investigate a domestic disturbance complaint where Mr. Blake had been alleged to have digitally raped his then ex-girlfriend Laquisha Brookes.
When President Trump made moves to pull out of the Paris Climate Accords, it was as if he had a driven stake through the heart of the false gods of climate alarmism. He had desecrated one of their sacred texts by exposing the Accords for what they were: a scam. Feel good propaganda meant to make Europeans and others celebrate strives to protect the climate while in reality holding back economies and achieving very little of their stated goals. Regardless of the climate alarmism hoaxes that have proliferated over the years, with the Greta Thunberg tweet published in 2018 about the end of the world in 2023 being taken down, many false predictions have never come true. Those who push climate alarmism myths seem to be the most vile violators of their own creed. Climate change experts such as Paul Ehrlich who made false predictions decades prior that never came to pass are still being relied upon to make predictions now. It does seem that there is an entire industry dedicated to disinformation about the climate. Even though Trump was lambasted for his decision to pull out of the “job killing” Paris Climate Accords, his environmental record tells a different story. Progress should not be sacrificed on the altar of ideology especially when the outcome is the impoverishment of significant swathes of the global populace. Sadly, being a climate apostate has guaranteed that Trump will never receive any clemency from the non-woke left.
Trump’s backing of the regime change hoax in Venezuela by elevating pretend faker Juan Guaido in the eyes of Americans was a foolhardy decision. The American government and their allies have no right to dictate who runs foreign countries regardless of the ideology incumbents of these regions espouse. It is for the Venezuelan people to decide whether they would prefer socialism to capitalism. World powers should not spike the outcome under the pretext of benevolence. The salvation offered by NATO during the Arab spring only served to immiserate its recipients. Trump’s ordered assassination of Qassem Suleimani of the IRGC is perhaps chief of his cardinal sins. This isn’t only a view shared by the non-woke left but also some of his ardent supporters. This was unspeakable evil. Vigilante injustice carried in the name of vengeance for American blood lost to roadside bombs in the Middle East. Trump claimed full responsibility for the strike thus making himself a bonafide war criminal earning his place amongst past American presidents. While relatively mild compared to what other American presidents have done, this was nonetheless a dark stain on Trump’s record.
Progress should not be sacrificed on the altar of ideology especially when the outcome is the impoverishment of significant swathes of the global populace. Sadly, being a climate apostate has guaranteed that Trump will never receive any clemency from the non-woke left.
Trump’s other chief sin is his opposition to illegal immigration. His repeated claims that South American countries are emptying out their prisons and sending their worst to America’s southern borders is particularly disqualifying. To some in the non-woke left this statement drips of racism and imperialism. Many in the non-woke left view the immigrant crisis in Europe and in America’s southern border as an imperialist creation. America plus its NATO allies interfered in foreign affairs and thus led to waves of refugees fleeing war torn regions to seek admission into European countries. While there is some truth to that claim, economic refugees are not the same. Some believe that economic refugees are a result of American led economic sanctions on countries such as Venezuela which trigger these caravans of migrants. This is contradicted by the fact that Venezuela and Cuba do not make up the highest number of migrant encounters at the southern border. This is predominantly made up of Mexicans. Many travel across great distances and across many countries not to seek humanitarian aid but to seek out greener pastures. Unfortunately however, countries have strict laws about immigration. One doesn’t just up and leave their home country. There is a legal procedure that all have to go through to obtain legal migrant status even for refugees. The southern American border provides a hoop through which anyone can cross illegally and access American amenities. This puts on additional strain on a country where significant swathes of the populace are already struggling to make ends meet. The cheap labour provided by migrant workers also replaces local workers who are accustomed to higher standards of living.
To the non-woke left Trump’s sins may be unpardonable but America is in dire straits. Taking Ulysess’ route through these trying times won’t save anyone from the call of the siren sisters. Sooner or later many will have to decide. The Trump indictment is undoubtedly a political witch-hunt which started with the Russia hoax and will most likely not come to an end long after the 2024 presidential elections. This is bigger than Trump and ushers in a police state in America. A de facto dictatorship where a few have sweeping powers and the masses are powerless to resist. These trying times call for unusual alliances. The non-woke left need to throw whatever little weight they have in denouncing this ridiculous political persecution. Trump may be on the receiving end for now but it will most likely be them in the not too distant future.
Image credits in order of appearance: Image by Amy from Pixabay; Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay