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The Tragic Blindness Of The Non-Woke Left
Following the passing of Queen Elizabeth II, the non-woke left commentariats have been quick to issue running commentary over the longest reigning monarch and heir to the throne King Charles III. This has predominantly been a grievance list focused on the ills and misdeeds, perceived or otherwise, of the now defunct British Empire. It seems that many have forgotten that the tragic history of humanity is one of conquest and carnage. The British Empire may have been the last global empire, in the traditional sense, but it wasn’t the first. Blood, death and betrayal that followed in the wake of the Empire’s dragnets of colonies isn’t too dissimilar to that of the Roman and Persian empires before it. While the British Empire may have spear headed the partition of Africa, they didn’t bring evil along with them and neither were they alone. Africa may have been portrayed as the Dark Continent but the darkness that peered back at the settlers from this abyss was always just a reflection of that they carried within themselves. A common assumption many make is that if Africa was never colonised, an empire greater than the ones that besieged it would have eventually arisen to offer a thorough rebuttal to the globalist empires of the day. Africa’s vast wealth and resources are often alluded to to steel man this point of view. A unified continent free to plot its own destiny and find its place among the stars. A Black Superman. Not aliens ferried across space and time in slave ships off to the new world. Antithetical to perceived western ills and evils. Sadly, most of the continent is still stuck in an earlier time period. Countries decades behind in development with various anachronisms fortunately brought about by the advent of the internet and mobile technology. Even in isolation and far removed from colonialism, meaningful progress has been an elusive concept for many. A much longed for chimera but one that always seems to take off with the wind in its wings as its pursuers attempt to mount it. Always just out of reach.
Africa’s vast wealth and resources are often alluded to to steel man this point of view. A unified continent free to plot its own destiny and find its place among the stars. A Black Superman. Not aliens ferried across space and time in slave ships off to the new world. Antithetical to perceived western ills and evils.
While the partition of Africa brought about a new set of problems, as it failed to account for geography and existing African settlements and migration patterns, it wasn’t that which divided an already divided people. The colonisation of Africa was partly possible because for most in Africa there was no central form of governance save for a few places. There were way too many tribes. Each with their own customs, language, traditions and leadership structures. Many perpetually at war with each other. I’m willing to posit that nation states in Europe succeeded because tribal affiliations were shed off eons past and new national identities were formed. A process that most likely took centuries. The concept of having a national identity is a recent one and not more than several decades old for most African countries. Most gained independence from their colonial masters in the 50s and 60s. A deep tribalism still exists in many African nations. Come election time and significant swathes of a populace still vote along tribal lines. While corruption isn’t uniquely African, it ravages the continent because of a lack of infrastructure. Tearing down a completed building is a lot harder than ripping off foundations that have only recently been laid down. By contrast American decline is a process that has taken decades and is often impeded.
News of the Queen’s passing was met with some jubilee amongst some in the non-woke left. Alleged atrocities from a dead empress, whom I suspect was nothing more but the face of a dying empire, rightly condemned but sadly can never be atoned for. What goes unmentioned is the self inflicted tragedies that befell many former colonies soon after they gained independence. Many despots were quick to ascend to power and continue the pillaging of their own people. Nepotism and corruption quickly took a strangle hold on the economies of many a developing nation shortly after birth. While growing pains were to be expected, stunted growth brought about by failures in leadership led to arrested development. Of course this goes unmentioned in favour of ideology as colonialism is deemed to be the root of all evil. In some sense, this is a microcosm of woke ideology. Perhaps because they share similar roots. Personal choice and responsibility is never taken to account and is often outsourced to others. Theories of collective responsibility seem to be the main stay. If one stares long enough at these ideas the outline of the spectre of communism starts to shimmer in the distance like a mirage. A silent yet deadly assassin that takes no prisoners.
Their rejection of perceived imperialism often turns into an adulation of communism. Tragically at times, even a celebration of dictatorships as exemplified in their admiration of China and the CCP.
Some in the non-woke left have rightfully pointed out the absurdity and illegitimacy of hand picked Pretend Presidents such as Juan Guaido. A failed figure propped up by America and Britain’s foreign policy class until factual reality becomes too difficult to ignore. The failed sanctions scheme against Russia for the invasion of Ukraine seems to have prompted the White House to reach out to President Nicolas Maduro with regard to oil. Regime change hoaxes such as the one America’s foreign policy class attempted in Venezuela speak of a hubris facilitated by immense arrogance. It is not for developed nations to handpick regents to rule in far off lands on their behalf. Collecting kick backs without any of the blow back. Respecting sovereignty means allowing nations to choose and elect their own leaders even if the end point for these nations is catastrophe. Respecting sovereignty means allowing a people to go through the growing pains of nation building without trying to spike the outcome in the favour of a select class of individuals in Washington. Ill conceived attempts to bring the freshness of spring to Arab nations has led to devastating winters for places such as Libya. A country once run by dictator Muammar Gaddafi, now teeming with more than its fair share of horror stories from literal runaway slaves. While some of the non-woke left have been right to criticise and call out these tactics, they seem to have turned a blind eye to the evils those whom have fallen victim to regime change hoaxes have inflicted on their own. Their rejection of perceived imperialism often turns into an adulation of communism. Tragically at times, even a celebration of dictatorships as exemplified in their seeming admiration and defence of China and the CCP. While some of what has been said about China seems to be a mix of half-truths, lies and whole cloth propaganda, a lot of it can be independently verified outside the assertions of Washington’s ruling class. China’s economic imperialism is a voracious machine that has been gobbling up everything in its path. Many nations, whether developed or developing, have fallen prey to China’s cheaply made products leading to the decimation of their own local industries. A terrible addiction facilitated by a cunning peddler of cheap opiates. Made at the expense of others, including their own populace.
The wars in the middle east had direct NATO involvement clearly visible to the average layman. The proxy war in Ukraine is being interpreted via perpetual sermons delivered by clergy men dressed up in the robes of journalism and bureaucracy.
At the start of the war, the disproportionate focus on Ukraine led some to believe that there was a racial aspect to the calls for support. Refugees with “blue eyes and blonde hair” seemed to have more implicit value as humans than refugees created by the recently collapsed Afghanistan nation building hoax. What went unnoticed is that refugees fleeing from Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen or any of the other Middle Eastern countries are a creation of failed NATO interventionist policies and regime change hoaxes. A literal brain child to hare brained foreign policy adventurism. While it can be argued that NATO expansionism has directly led to the crisis in Ukraine, NATOs hands have been relatively clean as others have been used to carry out their dirty work. The wars in the middle east had direct NATO involvement clearly visible to the average layman. The proxy war in Ukraine is being interpreted via perpetual sermons delivered by clergy men dressed up in the robes of journalism and bureaucracy. Support for the war is ideological which gives greater control to those who have shaped the narrative going forth. Ukraine seems to have been raised as the ultimate cash cow over years of malign foreign influence. Regardless of how much the Ukrainian Armed Forces are taken to pasture by the Russian Army, the country is being milked dry for all its worth. I’m willing to posit that race has very little to do with anything but rather opportunity. The Ukrainian government under President Volodomir Zelensky seems to have been the precocious child saying all the right things but in reality was always a gifted child actor paid to read off a script. The visuals of Ukrainian suffering and the proximity to NATO/EU have provided very powerful incentives for more funding. Funding to the tune of forty billion dollars and more. Most of which, par one report, seems to be disappearing into the ether. A clean vanishing act to top off cheap parlour tricks that are nothing more but a massive money laundering scam. While the optics may put on a display of racial preference, in reality this is nothing more but a crime of opportunity. I suspect, in the long run the Ukrainians will be left worse off as they struggle to pay a debt that will most likely not benefit the general populace.
Listening to President Nicolas Maduro being interviewed by Max Blumenthal of The Grayzone, it is striking to note that his positions are no different to those of the non-woke left in America and Europe. In particular, with regard to the perceived existential threat of climate change. While the non-woke left has been good at deciphering propaganda and nonsense propagated by main stream sources with regard to endless wars, there is an ideological blindness when it comes to the climate. In spite of all the major predictions of cataclysmic consequences from climate change seeming to amount to nothing more but wild speculation and fear mongering, perpetuated by inconvenient frauds such as Al Gore and John Kerry, there is still a belief amongst many that we are heading to a point of no return. In fact, part of the reason some oppose the war in Ukraine is because of the perceived impact of wars on climate change. Leonard Nimoy’s proclamations of a new ice age never materialised. Humanity lived on to see the day after tomorrow. Fortunately the cataclysmic projections from Nimoy’s imagination only ever made it to the silver screen albeit decades later. Green new deals and other net zero plans to reduce carbon emissions by set dates have proven to be an over-budgeted and over produced spectacle doomed to fail. In the shadows, some have profited immensely from peddling climate hysteria. Ideological positions about saving a planet in seeming need may be noble. However, they are often rife for manipulation. Some of the same fear mongering tactics used to co-opt the general public into supporting a proxy war are similar to those that have been plied for decades with manufacturing climate consent amongst the general public: The use of celebrities to issue dire warnings of impending disaster, only one sided discourse permitted in public spaces and a rejection of the orthodoxy is often enough to have one labelled a heretic i.e. A Putin stooge or in this case a climate denier. Germany serves as a pointed example of the devastating effects of failed climate policies derived from religious zealotry. A country that has been besieged by a never ending barrage of both climate hysteria and pro-war propaganda to the detriment of its industries and its residents.
The selective blindness of the non-woke left seems to be rooted in ideology. A blindness to certain truths and incompatible facts. Sadly, this is not unique to them but is rather congenital to humanity. Where ideology is master, truth becomes a slave. To be seen but not to be heard. More depressingly not to be served.
image credit in order of appearance: Image par OpenClipart-Vectors de Pixabay; Image par Clker-Free-Vector-Images de Pixabay; Image par OpenClipart-Vectors de Pixabay