Elevating Putin, Denigrating Biden All The While Vindicating Trump
For the duration of this ongoing war, it is evident that we have had nothing but a cavalcade of bad decisions. Some are beginning to wonder if the chaos is curated and part of a larger scheme to disenfranchise many. On the American Homeland front, decisions taken by the current inhabitant of the White House and the DoJ have done all but incriminate former President Trump. Another day, another hoax gone burst. It is rather fascinating that there seems to be a deep desire in many in America to find Trump guilty of something. Anything. Rather than breathe a sigh of relief that the latest FBI phishing expedition was just that, some Americans are desperate for more morsels. Feeding off scraps at the bottom of the gutter that is America’s corporate media coverage. The Washington Post and The New York Times, the original duopoly of deceit on all matters foreign and domestic, seem to be bar tenders at the deep state pub. Serving bottomless drinks re-filled by the endless leaks from the DoJ and other American government agencies. Seemingly, constantly trading roles between publishing misinformation and propaganda about the Russia-Ukraine war to publishing propaganda and misinformation about the former President. A fraternity of fakers. What is even more peculiar is the indifference of the GoP. One might suspect that they are part of this plot against the President. While state misconduct and abuse aren’t meant to be tackled as a partisan issue, with the midterms just round the corner, one could be forgiven for thinking that the GoP would capitalise on this as they round off campaign season. Instead, the house minority leader Kevin McCarthy seems to be more interested in letter writing campaigns to the DoJ. Letter writing campaigns that have yielded negligible tangible results over the last six years of “get-Trump” mania.

The Washington Post and The New York Times, the original duopoly of deceit on all matters foreign and domestic, seem to be bar tenders at the deep state pub. Serving bottomless drinks re-filled by the endless leaks from the DoJ and other American government agencies. Seemingly, constantly trading roles between publishing misinformation and propaganda about the Russia-Ukraine war to publishing propaganda and misinformation about the former President. A fraternity of fakers.
In a rare moment of lucidity, the current inhabitant of the White House gave a speech that singled out “MAGA Republicans” as extremists. The tirade and chosen red theme for the venue of Mr. Biden’s address seemed to have overtures of another war on terror. Perhaps this was the intention. While some have been quick to condemn his speech for divisive rhetoric and an unfortunate choice of visuals, many fail to grasp that America is already a divided nation. Only one confident of widespread support for what was essentially a hate mongering speech will dare make it in public. Needless to say, last year in March the DoJ saw fit to publish an “assessment” that seemed to classify significant swathes of the American populace as Domestic Violent Extremists(DVEs). Regardless of how outrageous or blatant the corruption is, many Americans will gladly cheer on this farcical administration that seems hell bent on criminalising political dissent. For as long as this number is significant, America will remain divided. There is no true unity without truth. How does one form a bond of unity with those who routinely indulge themselves on platters of half truths, lies and deceptions. The tragedy of evil isn’t that it only visits those whom its wielded against. It is that it first makes a dwelling out of those who later wield it against others. Trapping them in its machinations that blind them to their own folly. Meanwhile, acting as a praetorian guard, the FBI may have entangled two individuals for the handling of Ashley Biden’s diary. The revelation that it is most likely legitimate are bone chilling. The pages of the diary serve as the narrator of a horror story which has as a main antagonist the current sitting American President. A man said to have had inappropriate showers with his daughter. Showers that made her so uncomfortable she felt compelled to write about them. If true, this isn’t a man to be celebrated. He is one to be deeply despised. Members of America’s corporate media, who are often quick to run interference for their preferred politicians, have been eerily silent on the contents of the diary.
While some have been quick to condemn his speech for divisive rhetoric and an unfortunate choice of visuals, many fail to grasp that America is already a divided nation. Only one confident of widespread support for what was essentially a hate mongering speech will dare make it in public.
Across the pond, Europe is bracing for a harsh winter. Russia has refused to supply much needed gas to nations it considers hostile if they try to apply a price cap to Russian oil. Another cockamamie scheme that cannot be practically implemented or adhered to. At the start of the war the President of the European Commission , Ursula Von Der Leyen, proclaimed that Europe will be able to manage without Russia’s gas. With winter beckoning at the door, reality has set in and Europe is at the onset of a major energy crisis that threatens to ravage their economy and standard of living. While her bold proclamations may have showcased ill conceived determination, Von Der Leyen is no Joan of Arc. Victory in this proxy war against Russia isn’t on the horizon. Regardless of how many feel-good over the top pro-war propaganda pieces British media puts out. The coldness of winter creeps ever closer. Statements made with much aplomb seem to belie a coldness and indifference to actual suffering brought on by this war and the boomerang sanctions that have hitherto failed. Germany’s foreign minister, Annalena Baerbock, has pledged ongoing support for Ukraine’s war efforts regardless of what German voters think. In 2018, President Trump warned Germany of dependance on unreliable renewable energy and the need of energy independence from Russia. Germany’s delegation to the UN at the time sniggered at his remarks. Sadly, a few years down the line and the German populace may be subjected to a self-inflicted brutal winter as they clamour to support Neo-Nazi’s in Ukraine. While President Putin’s proclamations of widespread Nazism may have been overblown, it doesn’t help the optics when they keep making appearances at international events. Naturally, welcomed by open arms by America’s political and celebrity class. There is now some indication that America’s foreign policy class and their NATO allies sabotaged a possible peace deal in April this year. The carnage of this war has thus continued unabated.

While her bold proclamations may have showcased ill conceived determination, Von Der Leyen is no Joan of Arc. Victory in this proxy war against Russia isn’t on the horizon. Regardless of how many feel-good over the top pro-war propaganda pieces British media puts out the coldness of winter creeps ever closer.
Following the events in Eastern Europe, one would be forgiven for thinking that NATO & EU leadership is keen on sacrificing their industrial might and general well being of their populace into the “sanctions furnace.” Conspiracy theories abound as to why many would sacrifice energy dependence on the alter of failed climate policies. The alleged shelling of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant by the Ukrainian army has done much to feed the fire of an anti-nuclear lobby theories on the internet. In America, the self destruction of media creation and supposed leader of the free world Joseph R. Biden continues unabated yet is never total. As the American mid-term elections draw closer 46 percent of Americans, per Rasmussen polling, see them as a referendum on Biden. However, this should be more than a report card grading Mr. Biden’s performance in his current post. This should be viewed as a referendum on America’s political class who have repeatedly failed by furnishing foreign leaders with billions of dollars without an accountability system, fanning the flames of war in Eastern Europe. They have allowed an out of control Justice department to be more brazen in being openly political as they lash out at their political enemies. Crime statistics are off the charts while inflation opresses most ordinary Americans with no reprieve in sight.
Image credit in order of appearance: Image by Grégory ROOSE from Pixabay; Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay